
I don’t understand why his staffers are demanding this of him. It’s never been who he is or what he has to offer. He brings ideas; the reason he shouldn’t be running is that he has not had a history in all his time in the Senate of getting anything done. His ideas are good, but other candidates have taken those ideas

Mila going off on a pro-democracy rant in fluent Russian would be the highlight of the weekend.

This is the sort of questioning that has been missing from congress for decades now. It didn’t happen under bush until the end of his term, because everything was cloaked in ‘protecting america from blah blah word verb 9/11'

Who wouldn’t want Megan Mullaly to rock one of their dresses on camera???

There was a time post Lupita N’Yongo’s Oscar win, we’re talking weeks here, that blind gossip items were talking on and on about how she was a flash in the pan, a one hit wonder, difficult, etc. Then when The Force Awakens happened there were more blind items about how she couldn’t act, the green screen was killing

This is brilliant. Everyone knows that the best way to let people know that the government has grown too large and much of it is unnecessary and wasteful and really hammer home the point that you are different—that you are not big and unnecessary and wasteful—is to print more than 200,000 sheets of paper to use as a

Lena’s brand of white feminism reminds me of Taylor Swift and Megyn Kelly. They pivot themselves as feminists when shit impacts them personally or when they feel attacked. They wield feminism to help themselves, not others.

Which is dumb because she’s 31 not an 18 year old college freshman.

It’s maybe like asking Italians in 1944 whether they like Hitler (Trump) or Mussolini (Bush) better.  

shut up, its everything i ever wanted it

1) I wasn’t aware legitimate grievances, such as having my American-ness and loyalties questioned because of our skin color, having my language mocked, being denied opportunities, etc. were “whining”.

That “scorpion” weapon is definitely poisoned. I’d be shocked otherwise. :(

This episode makes up for the previous three. I hope Jaime drowns in that pond.

I’m a little pissed they didn’t off Jaime during that final charge. Going out while essentially re-enacting some sort of wacky chivalry painting would have been a nice ironic way to close out his arc.

...servant seeing Jaime nude in Cersei’s bed is going to have major repercussions...

Biggest moment in the show and Emilia Clarke acting like she just woke up and couldn’t be bothered. What is up with her this season?

God was anyone else thinking, hey Sam... maybe you should wrap your head with some fabric to keep that puss from spraying in your face? Cause I was literally waiting for some to spray in his mouth. Ughhhh.

meh. live by the tweet, die by the tweet. pretty much how it’s gonna go down.

I am here to see Jon Snow slice some motherfucking ice monsters in half.