
You need to go to the votersnotpoliticians booth. I promise you’ll find something worth writing about.

I grew up in a naked house so I don’t really care one way or another. My kid is almost eight and doesn’t seem to mind seeing me naked occasionally. My bedroom is the naked zone so I always say, “If you hear the shower running, stay away if you don’t want to see momma’s butt!” My hubby is a bit more modest (although

I think the knife (which killed Bran) was a sign I think the Stark girls are finally going to show Littlefinger who’s boss.

This gives me hope (and a little pause) because I’m the mother of a biracial son. Thankfully, my husband is as woke as his Midwestern butt allows him to be (I keep pushing tho). Family is complicated, mixed on his side but mostly Filipino and white, not black and white. We’ve got some hard core Trumpsters in the

I think Drogon’s new name is Ice Drogon. We’ll see.

Except for this battleplan might be scuffed now that Euron messed up the first half of the plan. The army can’t be in two places at once and Dany doesn’t have any more ships.

That scene between Grey Worm and Messandei deserves a Golden Globe. I legit cried a little. It was a perfect scene.

Arnold Palmer or GTFO.

I was coming here to say the exact thing. Kids these days.

Sandor Clegane! Queen of Thorns!

Thanks for posting this. I was debating about watching the finale but now I see I don't even need to bother. Aisha is right, Lucious needs to go.

Can we talk about Brienne and Melissandre please? I mean, I know she brought back Jon Snow and all but methinks she's going to have to answer to Shireen and Renly before too long.

We own two houses (vacation and regular) and in the past five years I’ve had to replace the following:

We fly Sprit to Cancun...it’s the cheapest from Detroit and we’ve never had a problem. That said, trying to fly Spirit anywhere else in the country is a right pain in the ass.

Interesting. I totally forgot about the Lightbringer/Lord of Light aspect of Melissandre’s faith. That fits too. This would give Jon Snow a ton of power to affect the fates of everyone in the show, possibly more than even Daenarys.

Ok, so I have a question for everyone. Do we think Jon Snow is gonna turn into a white walker or will he warg out?

Well, shit. That slayed.

Me neither. I’ll wait for the official coroners report and continue to listen to Purple Rain on repeat until then.

Clearly you don’t know much about academic publications....professors love to recycle their work. In this case all they’d need to do is extend the analysis to see if their theory holds through all the books. I mean, I’m a professor and that’s what I’d do. #sorrynotsorry

We need recs for good universal remotes for streaming services. We have Apple TV and Roku and a PS3 and sound bar and I'd love to be able to use one remote for all of them.