
2nd gen aurora was originally going to be the Antares

This is the best takedown I’ve seen of this promise, and he would 100% rely on this read of it if he won and it didn’t happen.

Homeowner’s insurance in the laissez-faire wet-dream of a state he lives in, governed by his very own mini-me, is is wildly expensive and getting worse by the second. Let’s see Fascist Inc. control those rates first before we even pretend to believe anything else they say.

FUCK I forgot about those knobs. *face palm*

automobile insurance rates had increased by 73 percent, and said that he would “cut that number in half”

The oval office desk drawer with the knob for car insurance prices is right under the drawer with the knob for gas prices. It would be easy to lower prices, but Biden just keeps cranking those knobs up. Sad!

They probably think he will do it the same way voters believe whoever is president has direct control on how the economy is doing.

not a giant gm fan- i loved the 1st gen aurora. agree.

I’m sure he has concepts of plans for that too.

so we can start doing truck things with our trucks”

A vertical weight limit for something like a hitch-mounted bike rack could potentially stress different components than a trailer since all of the weight is on the hitch without any wheels of its own to distribute the weight

Step on the hitch and overload it

And unfortunately forusk, a lot of the idiots on the right actually need a truck for truck stuff.

This already happened long ago. There is little desirable and affordable lake property in Michigan. There are places on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan that would make you think you’re in Malibu.

Don’t you be coming in here and try to talk sense on the internet!

It’ll just re-open under a slightly different name two days later.

Fun fact for the fine folks of Michigan- as sea levels rise and climates warm, get ready for a bunch of rich folks to move to your most picturesque spots, jack up the prices and price you right out of your home and then call you unamerican for daring to be poor in their presence.


I was thinking of the H2/H3. The H1 was milspec with a nice interior. Wasn’t a great road vehicle though. 

Soaps were probably safer for the user.