
At least half of them thought they’d make their money back posting videos, but the wheels fell off that moneyship and it crashed into a mountain months ago.

These things are a modern Hummer; just a profiling vehicle that doesn’t really do anything well.

The Cybertrukk is the Heelies of vehicles.

Up 18% YoY with huge financial incentives, yikes. That is not very good.

Because these are people who buy for attention, not to do truck stuff. Same folks who wear clothes with massive logos.

Buick Roadmaster. Give me a modern Land Yacht!

Saab Sonett IV based on the Aero-X concept.  The world needs more funky Swedish sports cars.

Or get sued out of existence 

Sounds to me like this mom was afraid of her own child. She did things to placate him and avoid violence, much like an abusive spouse.

Based on....... what exactly?

Oh, I’m sure Jeff Bezos will find somebody. He’s got to spend all that money somehow.

Hate to see them go but nothing lasts forever.  Even though Clarkson proved to be a massive knob, there will probably never be a trio of hosts that top these guys.

There probably won’t be a big issue over switching CCS chargers to NACS. Some key chargers may be modified to replace the plugs with NACS plugs, but I’d bet the majority will get switched when the charger in question would have been scheduled for replacement anyway. 


As for your last point... That’s literally boomer talk.

“I believe that the coming battery replacement issues are going to be what kills these things off, once and for all.”

Saw what you will about Stellantis and the Gladiator, but RIP to the guy that lost his life. No one deserves to die a sudden, presumably painful death while on the clock trying to provide for his family.

Huh, I could swear I remember reading that one of the little suzuki’s didn’t have a low range.  Well, I sit corrected (just had surgery so not much standing going on).

This guy would have just sent it:

Man you guys have THE definitive technical article on AWD and you didn’t link it?