
TSLA is more a growth stock than a traditional automaker - not quite apples-to-apples. Given the shift away from low interest rates, it’s taken a bigger beating than traditional automakers (Toyota is only down 1.39% YTD vs TSLA, down 41.93%; Honda is actually up 2.07%).

For sales? Definitely not, as they are on track to keep expanding sales dramatically both in the US and the rest of the world.

For corporate culture and management?

That’s a tougher question. They’ve always dramatically blown their new model release dates, often by years. Their build quality and quality control are

I don’t know that they’re anti-Tesla so much as they’re anti-Musk.

It sure does feel this way. The company isn’t so new anymore but still doesn’t seem to be able to function like a fully fledged automaker. It can’t handle development of multiple new vehicles at once, and certainly can’t meet its own time lines (for reference the VAG auto group develops dozens of new cars

At some point in the not too distant future, the survival of the company will depend on ejecting the Chief Crackpot from day-to-day operations.

Get your ass to Mars.

And the answer is the same as it ever was.

Sounds like its not the price of gas thats the problem, its the gross profiteering from companies under the guise of “boy that inflation is a killer eh? We’ll all get through this...together.”

Google suggestions when you search “Elio”: “Is the Elio ever coming out?”

Not one mention of Elio

Elon Musk ~ “Good luck! You’ll never catch me!”

whatever payment network will be another opportunity for the gov’t to monitor drivers’ movement and locations.

The ADA has a penalty-sharing agreement, where civilians can report ADA violations and earn a percentage of the damages as a fee. So it behooves places to go ahead and comply.

1st gear: Do regular gas stations comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act?  If so, what are the requirements?

Not just good, make them get a CDL too.

Compare the weight of a Tesla Model S to a Mercedes S-class. They are almost identical, with the Merc being slightly heavier.

<this is fine gif> 

Also worth noting that EVs don’t pay the road tax included in gas prices, so they are doubly skirting the rules here.

Heavy vehicles cause more wear and tear to streets, so yeah, see if you can PavlovDog them into changing their behavior—don’t be such dicks about their wheels by forcing a disincentive to choose lighter wheels. Works for me.

Well, they generally don’t stop you from leaving a burning building.