
I’d actually pick the Homer over most of the cars on sale today.  It’s pretty ugly, but at least it’s interesting.

Yeah, saying what Lincoln did was trying really it overselling it. They did it as  a special edition on a car that was already headed towards being discontinued. They’ll care when they toss them on the Navigator. 

Re: Lincoln Continental

Chevy Chevette!”

“Give the people what they want.”

Good catch! Did not even occur to me. I was THAT close...

Rich people telling

Dump truck hit those rubble strips and not even a twitch. I’m betting the distraction was sleep, possibly a medical condition.

The idea that Americans are lazy and soft, and America is going downhill because of it, has been a talking point on the political right for decades. Often there’s a subtext that it’s “other” Americans who are the problem, not the target audience of whoever’s doing the talking. “You guys are the good guys, it’s just

It’s not “work ethic”, it’s forced labor under duress.

And those linemen are likely getting a shit-ton of overtime. I doubt that’s a thing at the Tesla China plant.

Well, even with the current new car supply issues, I’d wager that most people wouldn’t think a lack of new cars is on the same level as a lack of power. Also, those linemen are only going to do that for a few weeks at most. It sounds like Musk thinks he can whip the Shanghai employees hard enough to keep those

Thing is.. this sort of work ethic exists in America. I’ve seen it. Many times. But there has to be a reason other than “the CEO wants to make more money”

Rich people telling everyone to work hard, can fuck off and die.

So how does anyone continue to like this guy after he shits all over Americans?

Tack on the fact it’s become socially acceptable to hustle because whatever you’re doing simply isn’t enough; your life’s purpose is to produce, produce, produce so that others can consume, consume, consume.

Ah yes, I want nothing more than for my car to be assembled by an over-worked, sleep deprived technician.

When Musk works those kind of hours, raises a family and is present for family events while not neglecting his work, AND does it all for under X amount a year (depending on market), then he can talk.

A little hard to tell in that skeletal form, but they had a lot in common and a lot not in common, mostly for no obvious reason. Maybe someone knows exactly what was the same and what was different. The second American generation was completely different from the previous one and the Euro ones as well, and more of a

Thats the fun part, it doesn’t. It just states that some percent of the car has to be built with a >somethiung dollars per hour... So those parts are made in USA or Canada that already pays those amounts instead of raising mexican salaries.