Better part of the year? Nah with the political players it’s been going on since 2015. Well, unless your Hillary Clinton, Hunter Biden/Joe Biden or a few lesser Democrats. But anyone else and it’s “weaponization of the DOJ!”
Better part of the year? Nah with the political players it’s been going on since 2015. Well, unless your Hillary Clinton, Hunter Biden/Joe Biden or a few lesser Democrats. But anyone else and it’s “weaponization of the DOJ!”
No that was his excuse. He likes dictators. He's said so on multiple occasions. NATO is against dictators.
They couldn't go after that market anymore. The cyber dumpster already took that spot.
Soooooo, who’s more in trouble here, Tesla or Rivian? Personally I think they’re going for the Rivian market, but when.. I mean if they’re better than the cyber truck and model X Tesla could be hurt as well.
Hey if I was a north Korean I would take up the offer. "Oh no, I'll either have a better life in the US, or go to jail where I'll have three meals a day and basic healthcare. How terrible!"
“the over seven years the car has been in development, though he did say that the company was “finally making progress” on the car." Seven years. Seven freaking years. You have got to be kidding me. After seven years you shouldn't be "making progress", you should be at mid cycle refresh.
Total Autonomous Immersive Neural Travel.
I think it's in reference to number one in EV sales. And they still are. But unless cybertrucks keep selling, which is doubtful, their sales numbers are going to drop back down.
Exactly. Birthrates are decreasing and politicians know it. If women lose their access to contraception, and birth rates keep going down, we men are next. There's a reason Republicans voted down the right to contraception bill in July.…
These are the same morons who claimed they would grow their way out of debt while the country was already under 5% unemployment. Meanwhile fighting unions and minimum wage increases is their standard operation. If you can't tax the rich, employment is near full, and wages are stagnant, where is the growth going to…
The next upgrade will be the Direct Input Correction Knowledge System, followed by the Basic Algorithm Lead Logic System.
Tell me it doesn’t look like a Corolla from the rear. The very definition of nondescript car.
Collin, I've defended you in the past, but I'm having a hard time with this one. There's plenty of sites exposing Elnos hypocrisy on Twitter, politics, ect. Please don't go down that path.
All he had to do was ride his 9/11 goodwill into retirement but noooooo, he had to get tangled up with the tangerine traitor, ruin people's lives, bankrupt himself peddling bullshit and is now absolutely ruined. Luckily he'll be in hell soon.
Wait hang on. Since he was charged in Federal court, doesn't that mean Barbie Boots Desantis can't pardon him?
As usual, Tacos username checks out. Freedom and tacos!!!
And we won’t even talk about their subcontractor Aperture Science.
You’re not that far off at %25. From Where Does the United States Spend Most On Imported Cars?
Serious question, is it smaller than the Jeep Gladiator bed?
I had forgotten about the Roadster. The car Elon has launched into space. Well, SpaceX has launched into space.