Dr. Fortyseven

Didn't want to sleep again ever, anyway.

Because the herd has decided this is the thing we're all going to hate this week. As always, we're going to unleash that hate with the vitriol knob cranked to 11, because there is no room for a middle ground opinion, ever.

That ballistics gel is utterly fascinating. Especially the results of that first shot.

Well, no, that's probably a bad example. Firefly was generally considered excellent right from the start and only got more interesting as it really started developing it's story arc with River and Simon.

Those shows were all more or less entertaining on their own before growing even better. They only seem "bad" in retrospect. Hell, with TNG alone, I remember it being amazing in that first season... I look back on it now like an anthropologist studying apes.

Clark, as an actor, may have knowledge of where the show is going*, but placing the blame on the viewer for growing bored?

No, that's a problem with your show. You don't friggin' shame them for tuning out, you apologize for failing to create a more entertaining narrative over 10 or so 40-minute episodes and then

Pretty much what made me finish watching LOST even when it got... less good.

Didn't hate the pilot episode, but I wasn't sucked in enough to be counting the seconds until the next episode. I wanted to like it — and I still do. I can appreciate the whole "give it time" speech, since I've given it to others, myself, with Dollhouse ("Just wait 5 episodes!").

My indifference is off the charts.

Nintendo Disaster Game and Watch™

Come on, you saw what happened. A thing appeared... and then that guy did the thing while the others all did something else... and then someone said something, and all that other stuff occurred. Some more things are supposed to happen in this other game, too, apparently!

Well, I mean, I assume it's a big company with lots of different teams spread out all over the place. The group that did the mobile ports is no doubt quite different from the marketing team that assembled this video.

That doesn't, and shouldn't stop people drawing critical comparisons, though. Hopefully someone

Or, you know, maybe it's actually good? Impossible.

Quick simulation: (Worst/fastest 'shop I've ever done.)


Honestly I think it says more about YOU, that you perceive some sort of pedophilic connection. It's perfectly fine to have a preference for, or against, or somewhere in between, but here you sound like you have some kind of fanatical agenda.

I suppose a woman who likes bald men has a thing for babies? That's YOUR

Sure, but... Cars.

"Reinvention" is... a dangerous word.

About .47 bananas.