Dr. Fortyseven

It would be classy as fuck for him to use this as a platform for finally announcing work on HL3 (if there is any). He knows everyone is hungry for it, and what better use for that rabid energy than to channel it through to a charity?

But even if that's not the endgame, it's still pretty cool. Gabe rocks. :)

I feel kind of bad saying it, but it's a shame they couldn't have gotten some better art. Hell, as tired of it as I am, I'd even advocate devolving it into various styles of pixel art. As it is, it just looks amateur. Shame, because it actually seems rather novel if it's done right. Regardless, I'll keep an eye on

Jesus, this sounds awful. And it looks awful, too. I'm glad everyone in the DC universe apparently got a sweet deal on armor, but it looks like shit. :|

I don't remember it being quite that bad; though, admittedly I didn't see a great deal of it outside of a couple episodes. The rabid media frenzy around it at the time certainly didn't help. Not sure who's genius idea it was to suggest they would "replace" the original cast. Attention gotten? Sure. Just not the

Whoa, is that the Apple II font?

Oh, right, because they got such a bad send-off at the end of Jedi. Red flag detector is going apeshit right now.

Gah. Sounds like the military should be breeding them and air dropping them onto their enemies.

Bunch of fucking animals. Oh, wait...

Great concept, but weak execution. Really wanted to like it. Instead, now I kind of want to go install TRON 2.0 again. :P

It's weird; on one hand I really like Green Arrow (especially the modern Justice League animated version), but then there's all of this shit: *hand waves over the entire page*


I enjoyed it. When it's good, it's great. Funnest game I've played in a long time. The bad bits are there, but they're easily glossed over.

Picked it up for $9.99 during this latest sale just before it got yanked — bloody hilarious game. Gets a bit cheap toward the end, and it does get repetitive, but eventually made my way through. Totally worth it if you can find a Steam code or a physical version.

Completely disagree about Spock. It was a mistake to kill him off in the first place — something they recognized much too late into filming. However, the resulting resurrection gimmick was well earned in 'Search for Spock' and actually added quite a bit of depth to Vulcan mysticism. (Though we don't really see any

Of course, this conversation wouldn't be complete without...

Good timing. I just shaved mine off, today. :P

A ruptured colon is more likable than Glen.

Holy shit, I thought that was Glen Beck from the thumbnail preview, at first. :(