She had weight issues and her age seems to be mid to late 30s based on the picture, which is an age group people are dying in. Might want to scale this back a bit.
She had weight issues and her age seems to be mid to late 30s based on the picture, which is an age group people are dying in. Might want to scale this back a bit.
No way.... I know this girl.... so sad.
Did the US fix its healthcare anytime recently? Or its still full “pay or die”?
And that’s assuming there’s empty Covid beds, which there aren’t necessarily.
I read that, but then a sentence or so later it goes on to say:
‘But what if someone dies during that decade wait? Is that really fair? “When we die we’re all going to miss out on a lot of cool stuff,” replies Pugh. “You could say the same thing about the Ice & Fire books, or Better Call Saul, or some other cooler piece of media that only teenagers know about.”’
I got home 1:30AM after a long day of drinking and seeing the Stephen colbert show in person, I turned this on.... and by the end I was ugly crying. Well done, RIP to Jessica and Ron, she has brought me so much joy for 20+ of my almost 50 years on this planet. God that was fucking great.
I was all “aww” when I saw that, and then I find out they were just softening up the audience to absolutely brutalize us emotionally with that send-off to Mallory/Jessica Walter.
That moment when Archer finds Lana in tears in his bend and sits next her was weirdly affecting, like I shouldn’t have that much emotional stake in the lives of two cartoon characters.
I’ll just take a moment one more time to say farewell, Jessie. For those of us who had the pleasure of knowing her personally (albeit, in my case, briefly), she was as special off the screen as on. It’ll be a while until I can bring myself to watch this season of Archer, given how sad it’ll be to see her character go, …
That moment where Archer quietly just puts his hand on crying Lana’s shoulder. Perfect!
I loved it. Every second of it. I’ve been a bigger fan of this season than the reviews have, and that definitely included the finale, where I thought it was generally firing on all cylinders. That extended, especially, to the last scene. I thought Mallory’s fight scene was going to be her awesome send-off, and I was…
Wait, what, I swear I watched this episode weeks ago?
Didn’t like five guys steal the Enterprise? And McCoy was pretty worthless on that trip, so call it four.
As a non-He-Man experiencer before now, my take is..:
Seriously Zack, if you don’t have the stomach to dip into D territory, you could at least have stretched down to a C.
“This is objectively the worst piece of media in human history. B minus.”
I feel like the tone of this review seems to warrant a lower score than B-
Well they’ve obviously got to be able to sit directly over your shoulder while you tap into the zeitgeist. There will be no unsupervised zeitgeisting on Kotaku’s watch.
Yeah, your lack of telecommuting option is really backwards, shortsighted, and really hurting your talent pool. Good luck with bringing people to work in one of the most expensive cities in the world!