Flip it. Think of animated images when you pass through the peanut butter aisle.
Flip it. Think of animated images when you pass through the peanut butter aisle.
TV shows aren't created purely for the love of art. They sell ads, and make money. As soon as they stop making money, they get dropped. So, with that in mind, they "sold out" the moment they agreed to create a TV series out of that holiday animation they did all those years ago.
Holy shit, you can get a smaller one for $14 on ThinkGeek nowadays. :D
Pretty sure the toys that "sucked" in this video were aimed at pre-teens and were probably considered shitty even back then (the unholy terror known as Cabbage Patch Kids aside). I was among the target demographic during that era, and the toys were fantastic. He-Man, Voltron, Transformers, GI Joe, Atari, etc. And,…
Still kind of works, though. ;D
The sprites don't look terrible. What bugs me more is that it looks like they're higher res sprites, yes, but still being scaled up to fit the resolution of the device it's running on. It's like they're remade to look great on your phone, but not your tablet.
Something I have to keep reminding myself: this is it's own cinematic universe with it's own take on the characters. Just like with the Marvel films, they're only really accountable to their own movie continuity.
It's like spam: most people who receive it understand that it's scammy garbage, but it's that tiny sliver of the audience willing to engage that makes it worth sending out millions of emails a day. You piss everyone off, but someone is going to fall for it.
I went into the remake expecting the worst of the worst — I'm a huge fan of the original, like many of us. I finished it, however, thinking that it was surprisingly pretty good. In fact, it only seemed hampered by the nods to the original. (Which, ironically, was the material meant to placate us. :D)
Like you…
Or, you know, maybe these stories are all connected? Just going out on a limb, here.
I was about to say, they look like they should be giving PSA's where they eventually explain how knowing is half the battle. ;)
Crazy. :(
(It's okay, DS3. I still love you. *hug*)
Aye, I dig it. I understand that we both had different expectations for the game. I just question whether it's fair to place that much value on WiiU-specific features.
I hadn't really heard anyone say a bad word about the PS3 controller (well, the DS3 version, at least) until the PS4 reviews started trickling out. Now it's like people have retroactively decided they've always had a hate-on for it, and, oh god, it's the worst thing in practically ever.
Very surprised, since it's…
I don't mind it as a supplement... an interactive inventory, a map, etc. But it tends to pull you out of the experience, sometimes. *shrug*
Oh, for chrissakes, as long as it's a good game, that's all that matters. Just because they used some restraint and didn't shoehorn in a bunch of WiiU-specific gimmicks, just to justify the platform it was developed for, that's somehow a black mark?
Hell, son, that's the best news I've heard all day. :P
How a message is delivered is very much a part of the whole package. If the messenger has something important to say, but they deliver it in a manner that undermines and distracts from what is being said, it's not doing the topic being covered any favors.
For instance, nobody is really going to take a loud, drunken…
I do this with children. It's fucking hilarious.