Dr. Fleming

"their refusal to go digital" -> Except Freakangels was mainly digital, with it being primarily a free webcomic and all! As is Crossed: Wish You Were Here, which is completely fascinating for many reasons (one of them being Spurrier's ambition and craft, which make it trascend easily the "gorefest" label).

More like "can Frank Whaley resurrect his CAREER", am I right???????'''

I got totally confused and thought I was referencing that "grimy little pimp" Smeagol.

Did someone say Pete Campbell?

I'll be very disappointed if all subsequent press releases from AMC's president don't feature puns.

Out of character since Walt would never say the correct names of Jesse's buddies.

To the comic book store guy:

Be careful, Pinkie. The first option requires no effort on your part, but the second one, while needing you to think a bit, rewards you by giving you some feelings. Good luck with your choice.

EDIT: Fuck, I snarked on the wrong comments thread.

If the show discussion in it isn't increasingly tense and culminating in bar brawls with a generic hard rock soundtrack I will be disappointed.

Hank and Marie over Jesse? No way.

The rest of Breakfast Salad's ouvre will forever be unjustly compared to his/her outstanding debut.

Flagged for being out of character: Walt would never thank anyone openly.

"Also the Jacket will win an oscar before Granny Aniston does"

Same here, if by "terrible" you mean "fucking awesome".

Cool! Now… Does anyone know if VanDerWerff will ever do that Hannibal walkthrough Bryan Fuller "promised" him on Twitter?

I haven't read anything by her, but Andrea Battleground has automatically become my favourite writer on the site.

OK, just realized that Slipping Away is a remixed form of the song I was referencing. I'm gonna slap myself for a little while. Toodles.


"Fox wanted the show to be darker and more cynical".