Dr. Fleming

Sure you are, buddy. Sure you are.

Though I admit, of course, that in this judgment I'm omitting very important concepts like "tone" and "context", yeah. But at face value, he could have handled the situation much better WITHOUT losing the bite or stopping taking a dig at the fourth season.

Not to get too emotionally involved in the situation, since these people are "merely" writers (of a show that I love, though) that I don't personally know at all, but…

I preferred the anecdote when I thought it referred to opening actual doors. I'll stick to that interpretation, since it's much funnier.

You better work on a different gimmick during the next few years. Who will acknowledge your pop culture references when they're not relevant anymore? WHO?????

"and the fact that he refused to open doors for himself"


(Crestfallen) Yes, pop.

I REALLY should be studying (I'm in the middle of my finals), but I just had to log on to comment on DiDio.

I don't know. I love watching Mad Men, but after the first three/four seasons, I think Weiner's fallen a bit into self-indulgency. Which can be both great and terrible for an artist. In the early seasons one felt some definite "aim" in the various threads in the narrative; now, with Weiner's growth and steadfast

More like Salt-in-the-wound Jr.

In Spain, the movie will be released as R3sacón (which is EXACTLY the equivalent of The Hangov3r), and I'm NOT kidding at all.

Hinduist grindcore band Nepal Death.

Shaky's progression is interesting indeed, yeah. A comic with great character development, and also, spiced with infected people doing insane shit. WHAT ELSE DOES ONE NEED IN LIFE? A bit of artist consistency, alright, but Melek is OK.

His Crossed: Wish You Were Here webcomic is surprisingly compelling. Up to Ennis' original, and with the possibility to even improve on it.


When they started going on about it being "eyes wide" or "ass wide" I totally lost my shit.

With this one, I'm not sure if its right place is this "Hear This" section or a "Hatesong" dissection by someone. It straddles the line between *annoyingly* catchy and *…uh, nicely* catchy.

But given the meta nature of this season opener (OK, of most of the Abed storylines since episode 1), it'd make complete sense for the fantasy sequences to have a generic multi-cam sitcom appearance… because that relates to what the cult audience of Community could fear, given the behind-the-scenes turmoil this past

A highly objective statement, coming from you.