Drew Something

Centuries from now mankind will finally evolve the ability to see in the infrared part of the spectrum. Until then we’ll only be able to theorize about Gruden’s levels of madness and displeasure.

Pretty sure Gruden is eventually going to go plaid.

I believe the logical conclusion is that AB retires to become a helmet designer, and uses Lavar Ball’s manufacturing connections to go to market.  

I guess we have to take those “taco truck on every corner” threats more seriously now.

100 bucks says Kawhi has Drake saved in his phone as Aubrey Graham

MAGA 101. The belief that YOU are the one being persecuted because you are losing the right to exercise your bigotry without repercussions.

A bear in the closet. And during pride month?!?!

Raptors brought a little piece of America back with the Larry O’Brien trophy. 

‘You can’t even beat your man. Just shut up and watch me.’

I sincerely believe this is one of the very worst plays in baseball history.

*Rex Ryans bursts in, wheezing*
Heard the...headline...need to...hear more.

I’m saying all that other stuff. 

The Memphis Candle Incident is one of the all-time great shoegaze bands.

Of the four people in the photo, two aren’t wearing blackface. So I really only blame the two people in masks and the photographer who presumably also came up with the caption. I am worried the UT Code of Conduct only allows for punishment if all the involved parties are punished.

The racism displayed in this image does not represent the behavior we expect of students or our Volunteer values.

I too am a billionaire if you estimate the value of my brand at $4 billion. Please don’t make me own the Bills.

“Nobody believed in us.”

This team really is committed to illegally getting stuff released from their balls.

Breaking News: Giants sign Eli Manning to 1 year contract extension

When daylight savings time ended, he got an extra hour of jail. I can’t explain the rest.