Shane MacGowan's Teeth

Manning Face: The Soundtrack

Hating your job's HR department is as American as apple pie, big trucks, and getting upset because they can say that word but I can't.

You can't bat much of anything around Mr. Bumgarner

I now feel slightly embarrassed that I've avoided this beer because of its dumb name. I feel more embarrassed because I didn't even balk at drinking Mikkeller's beer made with weasel shit.

Consider it done. (Not really; I don't think either of those heathens Respects Beer(tm).)

I know someone else already said it, but your beer articles really are one of my favorite parts of Deadspin.

I really enjoy this column. That's all.

I had this beer before. I wasn't too impressed. But then again, I drank it before it was cool.

I look for 6.5-7.5% ... which covers Dogfish Indian Brown and Founders Porter, two of my all-time favorite beers. I know that beers in that range will probably stand up to whatever hops are being thrown at them, and have a good depth of flavor. You get down below six and the beers start to be too thin for my taste.

I've heard you want to stay away from the clear bottles, causes perfectly good water to get light-skunked.

maybe water? I've heard good things, curious to see what all the hype is about.

"It's not all that unusual in the world for universities to provide the housing,"

The decision tree basically has only one line leading to "Yes, you should drink Heineken" and it requires you to first answer yes to "Are you Method Man?" If you are not Method Man, you should not drink Heineken.

Number 6 is my jam.

Speaking of lots of carbonation, what's your take on Miller High Life? It's comes in a non-brown bottle and I know I should hate it, but I've caught myself enjoying it.

"Obnoxious beer podcast in Brooklyn" are arguably the five worst words in the English language.

knowing what words mean and also using them = cool

though i disagree i'm a bully, this is a legitimately good counterpoint.

Way to go, Greg. This should set race relations back another 50 years.