
maybe not an all-timer but definitely prettier than the 996 GT1

Denied warranty for DIY oil changes? That’s ferrari-level dickishness

also possibly worth noting that part of the reason there’s a “sequel” for top thrill dragster is because a piece fell off and hit someone in the head (with serious injury) while waiting in line

permanently embedded childhood memory: “ *muffled yelling*, cedar point, america’s roller coast”

The leading-ness of the article (not necessarily within the article itself, but the overall tone the site takes with tesla for both valid, unique issues as well as common ones where tesla is singled out) feels like seth rich type stuff where all we knew was “guy was murdered” and right-wingers filled in the blanks

FFS, three tesla=bad articles in an hour? And two of them are very early in fact-finding and could end up as “could have happened to anyone but happened to involve tesla this time”?

seems like it would be wise to wait for more info before pushing this article. I get tesla=bad and this site will find any and all reasons to criticize it, but for all we know this was a worker with a pre-existing condition and horrible diet/exercise habits who happened to finally have that heart attack while on the

Person behind the bigotry associated with that brand/country being dead for almost 80 years vs actively doing it now makes a difference, at least to me

That’s fair, i wonder how much the used market cannibalizes potential sales of new aftermarket seats. I’ve eyed evo X recaros for a number of projects since you can get them used for so much less than comparable new seats

Not sure how it’s done in germany, but you’re 100% correct in the distinction between chapter 11 (restructuring) and chapter 7 (liquidation) bankruptcy

Emmys (and golden globes) get weird with separating comedy and drama. Sometimes it comes down to “in which category am i most likely to win”. The matt damon movie the martian won the best comedy golden globe years ago

three words: metal machine music

I doubt it, this is the guy whose first instinct when asked to comment on 9/11 was to brag about how his was now the tallest building. Factor in 20 years of cognitive decline and enablement today and nothing would surprise me

Fingers crossed season 5 propels allan holdsworth to belated mainstream appreciation

Ironically it’s the inverse. Corporate ownership wants the writers to “stick to cars” while the writers will take a political story’s tenuous connection to the concept of transportation as an opportunity to share their political opinions/dunk on politicians they don’t like

because it’s pretty well-worn territory and well-known by this point. same reason every article about a ford made during henry ford’s lifetime doesn’t go into him being a raging bigot.

hahahaha fair enough

That is definitely a factor in getting in the door, but medicine has objective standards and qualifications that must be met. A prominent surgeon’s kid that can’t pass boards isn’t going to be performing operations anyways because of who their parent is

In fairness, sports has objective measurable performance stats. Someone may get over the line on “all other things equal” because of nepotism but some star quarterback’s kid isn’t going to get signed to an nfl team if they can’t throw a ball

yep, and depending what state it is, getting out of your car to road rage at someone is a “shoot person for free” card for the other driver