
I believe there is a need for police reform as far as it comes to use of force (particularly as it relates to race), but some of the reporting on this seems to be maximizing the turnstile jumping and minimizing that he was holding a knife in his hand during the incident.

Given the relative lack of R-class sales/passenger van sales in general and japan not selling luxury vans over here, this doesn’t seem to cater to anyone but the uber rich that actually would be caught dead being driven around in a minivan

Sir, this is a jalopnik article. The moral acceptance or opposition to something is directly correlated to the identity(ies) of who is involved

Shaq meme: Race in autocratic regimes with awful human rights records - I sleep. Censored F-bomb over team radio in the heat of battle- real shit

eh, jalopnik themselves are pretty flexible on outrage about environmental damage, depending on to whom it’s attributed.

Very good points (and it’s a high-performing publicly traded stock), but I’d argue that suburban sprawl is drifting into TSC’s product offerings more than the inverse (backyard chickens, hobby beekeeping, etc.). Nonetheless your point very much stands

oh, you mean the “cybertruck bad” article

somewhere colin chapman is rolling in his grave...on a pile of ill-gotten northern irish cash

Very true, though i’m still suprised ford and lowe’s went that way. I get harley and tractor supply doing it given the makeup of their customer base but ford and lowe’s seem to cater to all demographics

in a car like that starting in second wouldn’t be an issue

Though the outcomes are the same, intent and purpose matters. Putting cyanide in someone’s food to kill them versus forgetting about someone’s food allergy when cooking which results in them dying are handled differently as far as law goes, as would a parent’s neglect regarding access

The school shooting and car crash parallel seems odd. A gun/school shooting has a specific intended outcome (killing people) where driving like a jackass with a high performance car, though incredibly risky, doesn’t 

for that money you could get a V10 M6, rebuild the engine and still have a ton of money left over for “mods”

approaching cybertruck levels as far as “expensive novelty” goes

on seeing the photo i assumed it was a return flight from turkey

so in other words, the airport pricing model

Very fair callout. If a car needs work but is priced accordingly, either take the risk or don’t but it’s asinine to jump straight to “they’re trying to scam me”. I recently posted a car for sale and got severe 2nd degree burns on my foot/leg before it sold, and couldn’t walk for 3 weeks. I was shocked at the

i get that part, but her story (and this one to an extent) seems to imply that the airline should have taken a look at her and said “well i can tell you’re clearly a lesbian so it’s obvious we made a mistake here”. It’s not their business to assume things about people and the mistake was probably determined by stuff

I get the mistaken identity and resulting headache part of it (and the airline should refund all of the flights she had to buy for the trip) but don’t follow what her being lesbian has anything to do with the situation. Would she prefer people make determinations of identity based on outward appearance? She got

i’m waiting for the day us normies and poors get handsomely compensated for doing literally nothing but being full of BS and social media edgelording