
I read something years ago about a team of biologists who did fry up some meat from a freshly dead giant squid. They said it tasted horrible because the flesh had a high sulfur content or something like that.

DS9 was distinctly a spin-off of TNG, it featured Picard and the Enterprise in the first episode and two of the main characters came from TNG. Voyager was more of a spin-off of DS9 than TNG, since the first episode featured them literally departing from DS9 (and had an appearance from Quark) and heavily featured the

Enterprise came out 7 years after TNG went off the air. It’s wouldn’t be considered a spinoff of TNG after that amount of time, just a new Star Trek property.  

None, it’s running Android.

OK doomer.

This is one of those tattoos that will age well. When their skin sags and sprouts white hairs they’ll end up with an adult yoda.

*record scratch, freeze frame*

I can see Teen Yoda now: “Do, or do not...or whatever, I don’t care.”

I was thinking the same thing lol, his neighbors must LOVE him.

If the final production model looks like this and comes at that price point... I want one so badly. I’d even put a dark digital urban camo wrap on it to double down on the aesthetic. And a dry ice machine in the back for added impact when the doors open.

haha it uses shopify to sell “trucks”. When will the scam article come out?

Why is reincarnation the operative discussion here, when it could more plausibly be a clone of the original Yoda.

See HBO, you can end a story properly. :D

Ooh. Nice.

This is awesome, and I totally agree that it fits in with Indy’s history of innovation.

As a Gen Xer, I just want to point out that I was anti-Boomer way before it was cool.

Rogue One tells a good story. Solo barely has a story. It’s a sequence of events that don’t add up to very much and exist only to tick boxes for fan service. The sequel movies are infinitely better stories than Solo is, and that is a hard fact.

How tall are you? I’m nearly 6'3" and my knees are pretty much in the back of the seat without them reclining. I’m okay with them reclining a little but there’s a point where they have to stop. If you recline all the way back, my confrontational attitude is going to come knocking.

You’re acting as though that there is another way to read it.