
The fun provided by a manual is provided by the clutch pedal, not the gear selector.

I was starting to think I was some sort of weirdo because I don’t mind driving a manual in stop and go traffic. I hear it all the time from people “I wish I could own a manual, but I sit in a lot of traffic” and in my head I’m just thinking “So?” I guess to each their own. If driving a boring car bothers someone less

Oh, I know they are 100% that petty. But picking a fight with anything even remotely connected with the Black Lives Matter movement right now would be PR suicide. They’re still washing Fox’s stink off of their 20th Century acquisition, they don’t want to do anything to get themselves mentioned in the same breath as

Like most things, it all comes down to $$$. Multiple pieces would require extra bracing ($), extra nuts and bolts ($), extra time for manufacturing ($), and extra time for on site storage and assembly ($$). When you have the ability to make one giant piece and get it to the site for, in reality, not much more than the

I wonder if it being Florida (hurricanes) played a part because otherwise yeah, it doesn’t seem as efficient as making and transporting lots of little ones for on site assembly.

Isn't it likely that the trade that made the Morrison scoop just assumed he'd be playing Fett and he's actually playing Rex?

It’s interesting that now Tesla is successful and making money, sci-fi nerds have turned on Musk because he’s lost the “underdog” status

With a few hundred years worth of separation, we tend to focus on the good individual major contributors did, rather than the bad. Henry Ford is, generally, lauded as the man who dragged America into a proper manufacturing revolution. Sure we might occasionally mention that he was a virulent racist, Nazi-sympathizer,

That last one will be a workplace comedy about Decker and Scotty haranguing a team of hapless, misfit engineers as they rebuild the Enterprise.  

An Enterprise-C series would be amazing, especially since there’d be the constant shadow of their eventual doom.

I mean, it’s long been established that multiple Jedi survived the Purge; the door was always open for her to survive.

I think there’s a few reasons why:

The power tool battery pack is brilliant. Rechargeable, available, repurposable after the fact. Not sure how much power load the air pump needs but guessing a single battery can give hours of operation. 

I gotta say, this is the first time I’ve heard The Rock described as “generically uninteresting” since his Rocky Maivia days...

Hear, hear!

Ditto. Worked from home the last 7 years (and several before as freelance), and sweats or shorts every day is the only way to go. However, I fear I may be, now and forever, totally unemployable for a normal on-site job.

it’s total absurd, also working in PJs. 

On top of it, Marvel has a character called Vindicator. Not that that’s exactly the same, but yeah, it’s a pretty common word and obvious choice. It looks like they knew about Rick and Morty when they made the episode, but even if they didn’t, it’s pretty conceivable that multiple people would come up with that name.

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Wouldn't it be ironic if it wasn't?