A++ headline
A++ headline
I like what truckers do and flash their indicators to tell each other that they have room to pass/enter the lane. I do the same for trucks and other cars.
Activate left turn signal far in advance of left turn, not at the moment you are making the turn.
Poor, poor, 18-year-old Mile Svilar ... made himself a target for Manchester United’s more experienced scorers.
“Sing like no one is listening. Dance like no one is watching, and run through a motherfucker’s face” - Dr. Marshawn Lynch, Esq.
Still cracks me up:
So the Red Sox are still stealing signs then?
Tom, should you focus on his penis when his balls are the real story? I understand the confusion since there’s not a vas deferens between the two.
Wouldn’t a sensitive penis come in first once in a while?
So after reading your comment, and the replies to it, and then your subsequent replies, it seems that you were somehow confusing in what you said? I thought you were fairly cut and dried about your stance, which seems to be:
Cop here. I’ll chime in. The video itself isn’t helpful, other than proving that Bennett was detained and handcuffed. Unfortunately, we don’t have the video of what lead up to it. We could see if the officer was a complete asshole (certainly possible) or if Bennett is lying (also possible). I don’t know any of the…
Sometimes I think the NFL actively tries to abuse the Commissioner’s power such that placing limits on that power will be one of the NFLPA’s big asks in CBA negotiations. The owners would much rather give up that chip than budge on the one issue they really care about, i.e., how much money goes to owners vs. players.…
Well, like I said, I’m guessing they wouldn’t have wanted to play out exactly like this. I’m just coming at it from the perspective of thinking they kind of had to do SOMETHING otherwise people would have accused them of covering for him the way they did with Ray Rice. The likelihood is that’s true and they were just…
White Sox Owner to GM: We must be rid of the white walkers
I think it still deserves scorn (some more context, like what she made and what she asked for, her duties, etc. would be nice, but I doubt we’ll get that info). Being an asshole engineer doesn’t mean it’s all forgiven when he treats people like an asshole. It just means we know why he’s acting like an asshole
Sounds like a typical scientist/engineer. They look at the data (can he function without her) and make a decision based on the data (yes, he can) and people’s feelings don’t matter.
Calls for someone with a different opinion than you to be silenced...
Like some sort of ban?
Needless flexing of authority, wild overreaction to immigrant, old and miserable.
Zack Hample gets denied even getting blue balls. This is not surprising.