
Let the HOA get quotes from autobody shops for all the work, excluding painting, required to “fix” the “moderately severe body damage”.

I was taught, all else being equal, convention is to go from left to right, so division first.

My take was that she just saw her child murdered so proper tactics weren’t on of her mind.

he had the gall to claim that he hadn’t heard any negative narratives about the team from the people in Miami.

Some of my staff didn’t know what a steam locomotive was”

Who could forget the Pontiac RX

I think you did misread, its mentioned at the beginning that they’re best friends, and she was funning with her friend

If someone smashes a dinger, and nobody is around to see it, does it still count as any runs? 

Ahh yes, wouldn’t want to kill the drama and excitement of players swarming the ref to protest a goal for minutes on end

While it could never be the same because, there are some comparisons, pale as they are, that could be made with Sagrada Familia. 

I got a ball in the face from point blank in a lunch league at work and am pretty sure I got a concussion. Really don’t wanna imagine getting the same from a pro. 

I dunno, Force Ghost Luke knocking Rey up would give that idea a run for its galactic credits.

Its like they accidentally put the porn version of the name on the actual film.

What is it with Heat fans and leaving early? #Game6

Spoiler: The police dept, and maybe this cop is corrupt. Why else would they have a radar gun that goes up to 760mph when most models only go to around 200?

What you talking about?

I look forward to the followup of “Clams consumes wood”, “Fish taco consumes Richard”

Because I grew up a Jays fan during the glory years, wanted an NL team to cheer for, liked orange and was so used to winning I wondered how the other half lived. #curiositykilledthecat

I hate being pedantic (no I don’t), but he never said he won’t have sex, just that, like the Falcons in SB LI, he just can’t finish.

I don’t care how many Matrix references there are, if Mark Dacascos doesn’t make some kind of Iron Chef reference, I’m done.