Drew Morris

Still the woman wasn't publishing anything obscene... she was trying to mourn with the help of her friends on Facebook. It's too bad her friends are too ignorant to understand that and instead chose to boot her off Facebook (although I am sure they had no idea they were doing that).

An absolutely awesome accomplishment. I truly respect the drive, innovation, and sheer willingness to take risks of the private companies involved in these endeavors. These are extremely risky ventures that could yield huge payoffs for our country and our species.

Because they are all vampires... and vampires do not cast a shadow

No... they banned her from Facebook entirely. Perhaps she was not sure how to share them with a smaller circle of users. Perhaps they should have explained to her what she was doing wrong... they just banned her.

However uncomfortable it may be for someone to have to look at these "objectionable" pictures I would humbly request that they consider the pain that the parents were feeling when they looked at their child and knew that he was going to die.

umm... no... I am sure this was an extremely grueling experience for her. While the suit is an amazing piece of technology it does not detract from the fact that using it is extremely strenuous and this amount of walking is a huge undertaking for someone in her condition even with the suit.

These are smart guys... if their wives find porn on their computer they can simply say... no, no sweetheart... I just have these so I can take down the infidels in the west... I never look at the pictures.

My guess is that every single energy production scheme will have SOME impact on the local environment since its pretty impossible not to. I would guess that solar panels have an effect on the ecosystem as well... they are reflecting energy that would have hit the ground back upward and they are capturing and storing

good to know in case I am ever driving through... my son would love that place

Where is this? And what is it called?

it's just a bald spot...

I certainly hope you are right and that they take the time to do this cautiously but we all know what the strain of needing to show progress/revenue can do.

I definitely see that point but I worry about the early stages of this. A company that is doing it for profit is looking for the fastest path to revenue so I am concerned about cutting corners. A national approach would be very different... probably more metered and cautious. I rarely believe in nationalized efforts

Hmm... private corporation in search of profit messing around with the orbits of large asteroids that can do unspeakable harm if they hit our planet. I can see quite a few scenarios where this goes terribly wrong including one where they completely botch the job and send it hurtling toward Earth. Usually I am

There is a clear distinction between a group of people that lay out an agenda of hatred, intolerance, violence, etc. and that of a lone, mentally disturbed gunman. In the case of the guy in Norway, however, that guy was a terrorist... he had an agenda and a manifesto. In the case of this soldier... I think he just

I love seeing young kids that are far beyond their age in their understanding of physics or other sciences. As a father with a very young child... I aspire to educate him to the level that this Audri has achieved. Well done Audri and well done to Audris parents or teachers.

The point is that if nobody runs against them then nobody will ever win. It is the moral obligation of the citizenry to run for office and affect change if they believe their current representatives do not represent their interests. If you truly feel disenfranchised and the rest of the populace feels the same then

Anybody else see a smiling turtle?

I think that is a very dangerous parallel and a pretty unfair one. I am by no means happy with our current governments actions in all cases but if you truly believe we are slipping toward that level of totalitarianism then I think you are being a bit alarmist. The bottom line is that we cannot rightfully complain

I completely agree with you that BB is in trouble but I highly doubt they will ditch and go to android even if it made sense to do it. They are worried about being placed into a niche as a commodity player and competing with the other manufacturers. At least with a standalone mobile OS they control and their "secret