Drew Morris

I believe they already announces that their new OS supports apps built for android so they will already have a large number of apps in their catalog just by asking developers to re-test and post in in their store. I tend to think that would make sense since Android development is done in JAVA and that can certainly

I totally agree... it's ridiculous that we aren't being more careful with a resource this scarce. Our government is doing us all an enormous disservice by not regulating this. We regulate all sorts of other things that don't really need it but when something really does warrant it... the regulations are nowhere to be

For the record... this isn't new... he added the part about Greedo shooting first when he re-mastered the movies in the 90's.

I hear you on that point (kids)... but I get by pretty well with just youtube or hulu and an occasional DVD for my son. He is pretty young so I imagine that when he gets older that won't quite cut it but only time will tell.

It depends on the price point and how much you watch. For me... a la carte is way more economical because I don't watch that many movies. I prefer a wide catalog of a la carte movies that are current when compared to a large all-you-can-watch catalog of movies I have no desire to watch.

Nope... I want to run up and smash it too... that looks like fun!

I want to know how they decided it was from a specific glacier... I mean if the guy went and got it in international waters it would be legal (salty.. but legal) right? So I am assuming the specific location of glacier has some consequence on its legality. Do you think they tested it and compared it with the original

Does anyone else think he looks a bit like Ron Livingston from Office Space?

That's about as good as I would expect from RIMM's marketing department

I was roughly in the same boat you are in with Eli. Before this season began I considered him to be a solid QB but not an "Elite" QB. He has completely turned me around though and opened my eyes to a few things I really sort of ignored before. 1) His mechanics have always been very solid. 2) He is tough... he is one

Frankly I think a lot of the commentary here is missing the point. For me the issue is not whether Google has the right to use data it collects... it is that they have essentially engaged in a bait and switch. They got people hooked on a promise that they would keep our privacy relatively intact as we used their

Worst RIMM Job ever...

I have no idea why you think that one comment is some political statement aimed at taking potshots at democrats. Frankly I think most people would agree that private industry is vastly more efficient than government bureaucracy on both sides of the aisle. The main sticking point that splits the two sides is related to

milliseconds can be quite a big deal in aerial combat I would imagine... especially if there is the potential for greater lag as the number of commands or the amount of data being sent back and forth increases.

I think this is very dependent upon the definition of "your Work"... it is a capitalized word which means it is a defined term somewhere else in the agreement.

I've been giving myself shock treatments

I have to think that our brains develop in such an isolated way that we would not be able to process each others memories. It's pretty doubtful that your memories would be anything other than complete gibberish to my brain. So I would concur with your earlier speculation that storing a memory and re-submitting it to

DVR is a concept that is tied to television broadcasting and not streaming. If all the content you need is available via your streams (HULU Plus, Netflix, Amazon Instant Video, etc.... ) then you don't need a DVR or Cable. Right now I will admit that it is difficult to get everything you need from a streaming source

I have zero faith in Netflix ever getting to that point. Content providers are already shunning them like the plague and they have alienated a huge number of customers with price hikes and stupid business decisions. If anyone has a chance to do this I think its Amazon... their Prime and Video on Demand offerings are

I would never own an all-electric vehicle myself because I am fairly certain I would end up running out of power at the most inconvenient time. I am not willing to let an automobile dictate my lifestyle and tell me that I can't decide to go see a friend of mine after work because I won't have enough juice to get home.