Drew Morris

Why in the world would the networks make the same mistake that the music industry made and put too much power in the hands of a single content distribution network that could choke their revenue whenever it wants to? If networks and content producers are smart then they will cultivate a market that preserves their

That's pretty much counter-productive to their business model since they would rather you pay and not come... that's how they overbook the facility.

I think the point is that you are sacrificing salary for a few years for the chance to work with one of if not the most brilliant men of our time. People sacrifice years of their lives and countless dollars in salary in the name of education. I would look at this in the same vein.

Isn't there a few things missing in Amazon's EC2 infrastructure to make it competitive with a super-computer that is at a single-site and dedicated to performing these sorts of tasks? I mean the latency alone would preclude it from being able to manage large tasks that require a lot of interaction between nodes if you

If you're going to take the time to build something like that... why phone it in on the head/face area? I thought it was pretty cool... but if he had made an Optimus Prime face using sugar and food coloring it would have been AMAZING!

You meant to say "a constant erection as a bonus" right?

Honestly I don't know why people like to take so many shots at this girl. She's just a young girl that wanted to be a singer and she made a cheesy video. She isn't even totally talentless... I think with the right song she might even be decent. I sincerely hope that after all the grief she has gotten over this video

Seriously this video was ridiculous... the idea that piezoelectric power could power a home in 5 years is insanely stupid.

He's underground of course

Hello my name is werner brandis... my voice is my passport... verify me.

Does this mean I can finally fulfill my dream of having a set of ribs the size of my car for dinner?

Not sure why anyone would get up-in-arms about this... companies (even competitors) are allowed to work together. This could end up working out even better for AT&T and its customers. It gets the crown jewel it was after without being required to pony up all the dough. It also allows T-Mobile to seek other suiters...

ok... I get that what he is doing is impressive and ballsy but all I keep thinking is how unnecessarily dumb it is.

totally disagree... this is a classic.

Frankly I think blocking this deal is a bit ridiculous. If the parent company wants to get rid of T-Mobile because they see a long-term problem with the market then they are going to do it no matter what the outcome of this particular deal is. Everyone complains about the AT&T service but yet they oppose a deal that

Maybe I just won't let them friend me... :)

That is actually not true because the charging systems that are available for home use can have (and many already do have) mechanisms in them to allow the car to start charging on a timer to make use of off-peak charging and "even out" the load.

I wholeheartedly disagree with the premise that art is not art unless it successfully communicates with a broad base of people. Art is about self expression and the desire to capture it in something. It can be deeply personal or it can be meant to evoke an emotional response in a group of people.

This is not a new model... Google has always charged developers that use their API's very heavily and I think they are just lowering the bar a bit. I doubt that it will affect many web developers that embed Google maps since most web applications make the request from the users browser and therefore don't fall under

So Apple needs to put out a little bluetooth device we can attach to our clothing and slap when we want Siri? Sounds cool... I might buy one (if it didn't look too incredibly dorky to wear)... maybe a watch accessory?