Drew Morris

I think you are right... people always tell me that Jesus Saves

I think you are right... people always tell me that Jesus Saves

Does anybody else think its funny that Apple wins even when it radically fails? Let's take a look at the fallout of this apple maps debacle. iOS now has the google maps application and turn-by-turn directions provided by Google for free. This is a feature that they were asked to pay them for prior to this release. By

This ones even better:


Why does that mean it isn't a parody... self-parody is still parody. I am still choosing to see it as a brilliantly executed parody of "Friday". Maybe I am being too generous but hey... in that light... it made me laugh (instead of crying like I would have if I thought this was serious).

I have no beef with QNX as an OS... it is solid and has been for a long time. I do, however, disagree with your assertion that "Open Source means easy to hack, bypass and modify"... this is simply not true. You can lock down an OS pretty tightly if you want to and Android already has some pretty good security controls

Are we sure this wasn't a parody on Rebecca Blacks "Friday"? I thought it was and in that context it is pretty brilliant. On the other hand... if it was not meant to be that then its horrid. I am giving everyone the benefit of the doubt and enjoying the idea that it was a brilliantly executed parody of a god-awful

If RIM made Android devices with a patched OS that added special RIM "security" layers and competed on the basis of software, security, and management... they might actually have a shot. It would eliminate the need to court these developers but still maintain their differentiation. I frankly think it would have been

Theoretically a well equipped car could use an input of hydrogen to re-generate additional fuel with the CO2 "waste" from the original gas and re-use it to make methane again couldn't it? I mean if we were willing to take the hit for capturing and carrying around the excess CO2 couldn't we keep re-using it

My 2 year old loves watching videos of himself as well. It's hard to keep the phone away from him. We rarely let him use it but if we're not paying attention... he will swipe it quick!

I would heart you if I knew how to do anything with this new comments system

I can think of some extremely extenuating circumstances where I might believe that the medal would be deserved like if a pilot executed some extremely difficult maneuver that was way outside their SOP and job description and that successfully saved a bunch of lives. But in general... no I don't think they should be

How much wasted electricity would there be if you have an always-on system powering vehicles moving across it. I imagine that the power loss would be enormous. Does it explain that little detail somewhere because it sounds like it would be incredibly inefficient no matter how much economy of scale you have.

Ok I clearly would not pay $6000 for a door mat but I still can't help thinking it would be really awesome to have one of these.

Typo's aside... this thing is pretty cool. I am happy that we are still investing in space-related technology even if it is for military use. I assume that if they find anything worthwhile it will eventually make its way to the private sector.

But green is made of people!

Personally I think its just wrong to look at the number of apps as any indication of the validity of a platform. If the important apps are there and the quality of the apps are high... then I don't think people will care. Nobody is buying a phone because there are too few fart apps for the platform.

As a father I found this to be an excellent article although a bit difficult to read. My heart goes out to Matt and Cristina. I pray that you find a way to save your son and I truly hope that you are not too hindered by governmental hurdles. Godspeed and good luck.

now that one was pretty funny