Drew Morris

I am pretty sure that in star trek they would hit that little device on their clothing before speaking to the computer. They might have dropped that in later episodes but wasn't that the original behavior (at least in TNG)?

Wasn't that filed under "H" for "toy"?

"it doesn't have Silverlight either"... neither does any site worth visiting

hearted... that exchange was priceless

When you couple this device with playon it is an unbeatable combination. If you don't already have a PS3 or some other DLNA streaming option... this one works very well for me.

Actually I think its both because the conversion can happen at multiple layers (although it typically happens at the hardware layer using embedded or "on-chip" software). Either way... every hardware manufacturer is definitely in violation of this patent so are they going to sue everyone?

wouldn't every single OS company and hardware manufacturer out there infringe on this patent?

OK... I truly understand the boards decision to remove a CEO they are losing confidence in but based on what we are hearing are we truly led to believe that Mr. Apotheker decided to kill WebOS and then announce a possible plan to sell off the PC division without consulting with his board? I find that pretty hard to

I think a lot of it depends on where the craft is "berthed"... rockets are very good for getting out of the atmosphere and into space but if a craft was already (and perpetually) space-bound then things change dramatically.

This is what happens when you fire a CEO that made you great for no good reason. While I respect Apothekers past experience and success with SAP he doesn't seem to know what to do with HP. He comes from a large enterprise software background and now he is trying to force-fit HP into that space because he knows it well

I feel your pain and it sounds like a difficult situation to be in... but while I may sympathize with you... there is a place for these hard-core security provisions. It doesn't mean that you avoid ALL inputs. You just severely limit them and monitor them.

Steve Jobs definitely gained a lot during his time away from Apple and Apple benefited tremendously from his failures. If it wasn't for Jobs' ability to experiment with things at Next we would never have some of the huge improvements that led to OSX. So I wholeheartedly agree with that statement.

stuff exists west of the Mississippi?

Is it me or does it look like DARPA got this idea while watching "The Incredibles"... it looks like the rocket with the hole in it that they used to deliver the plane that dropped the robot!

Actually I think banning things like thumb drives and other media that is coming from an external and unverified source is a pretty good idea. Any methods that exist for protecting against viruses or malware has flaws and can be beaten. They have yet to create a perfect virus/malware scanner or even a perfect IDS. The

I actually know one of Eric Wells' family members (the man who was killed by David Bisard) and I must say that this was an absolute travesty of our justice system. This man actually killed another human being because he was driving while EXTREMELY intoxicated (he blew a .19 1 hour after the accident) and basically got

Umm... no food, scorched earth, boiling water... you know apocalypse-type stuff there really aren't any safe places at that point. Nobody said it was instantaneous extinction... an interruption in an ecological system (especially one this massive) will ultimately have far-ranging consequences.

I had exactly the same thought. I can't see any down sides for plastic surgeons... their jobs get easier and there are more avenues for its application. Seems like a win to me.

I concur... UP was good in 3D as well

Nice... I enjoyed that