John Cocktoasten

It's you, dude. It's a funny movie.

His take on Little Richard's "Tutti Frutti" is quite possibly the whitest, least soulful thing that has ever happened.

Wow, Pat Boone morphed into Bob Barker so gradually I barely noticed.

Couldn't agree more.

I legitimately believe that the original "Bad News Bears" is the best sports movie of all time. "Rocky" is a close second, and "Raging Bull" is just a little too much about life outside of the sport to really qualify. As far as a movie that really gets into the playing of the sport itself, though, this one is

Thanks for highlighting the band! They were part of the soundtrack to my late high school/early college years.

Really underrated band, at least through "Grave Dancer's Union." I always thought that Pirner was an underappreciated lyricist. Some other great unheralded songs from their discography:

Otm Shank.

A completely unwatchable, indecipherable, poorly acted, terrible looking, and horribly written cinematic abortion. I'm not exaggerating when I say that this is one of the worst films that I've ever seen in my life. This film is everything that is wrong with the bloated spate of comic book adaptations that are being

Get fucked. And learn how to spell "weird."

They say people eat with their eyes. So . . . enjoy?

This really hurts. I had the privilege of being in college during the golden years of hip hop in the early 90s, and I got to see Tribe a few times. They were one of the best groups of all time. RIP, Phife.

Obligatory relevant Simpsons moment:

Extra! Extra! Ignatiy Vishnevetsky gives Jesus Christ a thumbs down!

I think either of Bill Carter's books about the Tonight Show sagas with Letterman/Leno and Conan/Leno are great behind-the-scenes looks at how the networks operate.

I'm a fan of the ASOIAF books, but I'm far more sad about George Martin the producer passing away.

Nope. He is living, breathing excrement. And that is probably the plot of his next film, co-starring Rob Schneider and toilet paper.

It's a myth. Like the yeti, or his North American cousin, the Sasquatch.

No. No he can't.

The fact that the episode introduced a boat named "Deez Knots" means that at minimum, the lowest grade it can get is an A-.