John Cocktoasten

"And the installation is free!"

The Reno 911! episode where Jones gets the side job singing for the radio commercial is sublime. "And the installation is free!"

He created the shows that led me to a lifetime of loving television and pop culture. I'll also always love him as the casino manager in Lost in America. RIP, Garry. And fuck 2016.

Check out the short-lived game show Three's a Crowd from 1979-1980:

Good point!

Hard to believe that the disciples of Martin Luther would go out of their way to reinvent history by whitewashing a Jew.

Please Pixies, just stop already. You had a perfect legacy in place when you quit the first time, somehow managed to stay respectable through a 2004 cash-in reunion, and have been nothing but an embarrassment ever since.

Happy In-dupe-endence Day, America.

But what happens to Ser Pounce? WHAT OF SER POUNCE?! You know that bitch Cersei isn't going to feed him or change his litter box.

In a just and perfect world, Zach Woods would not only be nominated for Best Supporting Actor, but would win the damn thing. But, naturally, he likely won't even be on any of the Emmy voters' radars.

Before it's all over, there will be an amazing confrontation between Tyrion and Cersei (and possibly Jaime).

Walder Frey: Can you help this one time, Arya . . . for old time's sake?
Arya Stark: Sorry, Walder. Not this time.

Too bad Radiohead wasn't there to insult Walder Frey while Arya was killing him.

Goddamn! So much to digest. One of the best season finales I've seen for any show in a long time.

Viva Variety! is one of the great, unheralded comedies of the last 15 years. I would give anything to have that released on DVD.

Huh? Oh, Napster? Yeah, I remember that.

Racist? Not sure. But it will certainly be loud, unfunny, and will flub a bunch of its lines.

Hey, if anyone goes to visit the Hot Wheels factory in El Segundo, I accidentally left my wallet there. My jimmy hats are in there and I got-got to get it.

I've been loving this season of American Dad, but I do hate how TBS has added what feels like 5 commercial breaks to every episode. I have to DVR the show and watch the episodes later, because I can't stand it.

It's going to take a whole team of lawyers to figure out how Johnny's collection of hats gets split up.