John Cocktoasten

Is this the part when Jack Valenti comes out and talks about how great the movies are?

Wow, really? Calling back the girl scout cookie bit?

Written by Bruce Villanche's grandfather, Ephraim Villanche.

I'm glad "Amy" won. I saw it 6 months ago and I'm still sad.

What a loser.


Has the Fox News morning show already come up with their theory on how ABC intentionally tried to make Stacy Dash look bad?

His outfits are testament to this fact.

I don't think my mind was ever going to be able to handle the concept of Sylvester Stallone having an Oscar for acting.

Don't worry—Sylvester Stallone will have a lot more opportunities for getting an Oscar.

If Tom Hardy had played this part with Bane's voice, I'd have been more on board.

Stand by Stallone translators—get ready to tell us what the hell he is grunting in his acceptance speech.

This broadcast is so streamlined for time, it makes sense that they're adding lots of pre-recorded bits like this.

Adrian Zmed?

Does Brie Larson know that she doesn't have to hang out with the little boy from Room anymore now that the movie is done?

God, I miss the Debbie Allen-choreographed dances for each of the Best Picture nominees.

What makes less sense—The Weeknd's hair or Stacy Dash?

I have an easier time understanding them than I did her bit.

Cocaine is a helluva drug.

She didn't appear to know where she was in front of the stage either.