John Cocktoasten

And now just four hours until the rest of the awards we all care about!

She should have won for Ex Machina instead.

So, was Stacy Dash supposed to be the butt of the joke, even though she agreed to appear as herself? I'm so, so confused.

After Stacy Dash, Rob Lowe now feels vindicated.


This is where I come to get away from Leslie Jones!

Bruce Villanche wrote the joke for me. Apologize to him.

Wow, did that guy just thank the morning after pill?

Gosling & Crowe . . . coming to a comedy club near you!

Ladies and gentlemen, the director of "The Cobbler" . . .

Jesus, a lynching joke?

Let the public shaming of whitey begin!

Roast beef should be pink. Not ashy gray. End of story.

Hamlet 2 is not underappreciated. It's a giant pile of unfunny.

My personal favorite: "Hey, you guys are spies . . . spies like us!"

Fucking stop it, death!

90s Rapper Skee-Lo sees all of the attention this is garnering, and is now loudly proclaiming that 2 + 2 = 5.

One casket for Abe. Another for all of his ear hair.

Pfft, if God wanted man to think that the earth was round, then He would have given us the ability to achieve space flight and build satellites that could actually photograph the shape of our planet. But no, none of that ever happened. We stand with you, B.O.B.!

One can appreciate what the Eagles meant to the music world without actually liking their milquetoast music. Count me as one of those people.