John Cocktoasten

Welcome to Lena Dunham Radio. All insufferability, all the time!

God, how I wish that someone would.

How are Michael Bay or Roland Emmerich not involved with this in some way?

cc: James Woods

Go on . . .

Wow, he's 101 years old and still retains that kind of detailed memory? I'm in my 40s and I can't remember what I had for breakfast this morning.

Let the insufferability continue!

I will continue to eat my Nerds with ripple, thank you very much. Harumph!

Shhhhh! Shut up, Carrie! You're ruining it for us guys!

Melissa McCarty will surely have a chance to play a character who falls down a lot.

You must be this high to ride . . . The Finger Smasher!

Nothing makes me sadder than seeing great character actors like John Turturro and Steve Buscemi repeatedly shitting themselves in the Cult of Sandler.

Let's have a hologram Harlem Nights reunion with Foxx, Pryor, and the corpse that is Eddie Murphy's career.

It works on so many levels!!

That is one evil looking grin on Sarah Koenig's face in the above photo. Are we sure that she didn't kill Hae Min Lee?

I'm not a fan AT ALL of The Big Bang Theory, but the A.V. Club's decision to sort of pretend that it doesn't even exist, considering its popularity, is just kind of weird.

Completely agree with this. If Spielberg could just restrain himself from adding his usual dose of schmaltz to his latter day films, many of them would rank with his very best work.

I'm sure that Malcolm Turnbull will have to open his window and shout to a few members of Parliament to make sure it's okay before enacting anything like this.

Taxi > Cheers

Lidsville or GTFO