John Cocktoasten

There is no PC police.

Just so long as there is an entire pallet filled with copies of the book on the sales floor at Costco when it is eventually released, all will be well.

Are you avin' a larf?

It's probably all Glen Matlock's fault. His loving the Beatles and interest-bearing deferred payment, and all.

Yes, but did he start measuring from the base of the film reel?

Hipster checklist:

But their hair smells like cinnammon!

Ah, pastel-colored faces—just like the real Three Stooges!

If only there had been small batch, hand-crafted microbrews back then, you might have turned out so different! Less purple and rotund, perhaps.

"Hello, social welfare office."

Wow, the band Hum isn't nearly as good or influential as this writer thinks they are.

Yep, I never suggested that people questioning the genre was a bad thing—only that it was a possible cause. I agree that it is a great opening to a larger conversation about what fantasy can and should be, but I also think that fans who express such shock at every scene they find distasteful might benefit from a

No, not ruining the medium. Only ruining your own ability to enjoy the the medium.

I genuinely think that one of the problems that is arising for GoT is that it has become popular to so many people who don't otherwise have much experience with the fantasy genre, except for perhaps the Hobbit or Lord of the Rings films. While I haven't read much in the way of fantasy since I was a teenager, the

The only significant problem is your desperate need for validation through manufactured outrage and the apology terrorism that your ilk demand from artists who, despite having the right to create their art in any way that wish, value apologies like currency. Sad.

Wow, the A.V. Club turned into Salon so quickly that I missed it.

I'm sure there's no way that Meryl Streep will get an obligatory Oscar nomination for this.

Yuengling is definitely an all-time, top-five cheap beer.

I had an external cassette recorder with my Apple 400 computer back in the day. It really helped provide a better experience for playing "Leisure Suit Larry."

Spike is the Entourage of TV networks.