John Cocktoasten

I hope the drunk heckler who interrupted Jen Kirkman and Brian Babylon was properly curb stomped by someone in the audience.

Just ask Silvio to drive him to the unpopulated farm country upstate to work on a special story.

The seeds in raw tomatoes are pure slime! Pure. Slime.

I wish Keith Hill would ketchup with the times and realize that it's the 2010's!

Oy, again with the sword fighting? It's so hot and this loincloth wasn't cheap!

Adam Sandler was never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever comedy's king. Never.

"And over here we have a specially-designed nook for skeleton bones. To your right there is the door to the chimpanzee supply pantry, and this Peter Pan fountain is filled entirely with children's tears."

Aw, I bent my Charles Rocket.

Wake me up when they come out with a Norm Macdonald Weekend Update figure.

Slayer's Reign in Blood is greater than all of Metallica's early albums put together.

What in holy hell are you even talking about? It was a silly tweet that involved a grown-up word. Lots of people don't get ironic humor, and they overreacted and looked foolish doing it. End of story. Your rambling, incoherent comment does nothing but make me question why you bother reading sites like this when the

Then move on with your life and allow people who understand and appreciate irony to enjoy the comedy in peace.

Just because you don't understand the level of irony going on in that joke doesn't make it not funny. And is there anything more specious or lazy about using the "yeah, well how about if you replace the ___________ with the n-word" argument?

Lena Dunham . . . battling her foes with the power of insufferability!

"The Simpsons can be good. "

I wonder how many butter pantries it has.

I wonder how many butter pantries it has.

I wonder how many butter pantries it has.

I wonder how many butter pantries it has.

Note: Harry Shearer died on the way back to his home planet.