John Cocktoasten

When are we going to get a movie with Dazzler in it? She fought with the magic power of disco!

All I know is that I'm going to work the expression "cleaved in twain" into every conversation I have for the rest of the day.

One of my favorites. I can't quite place the flavor—tangy citrus that tasted nothing like actual Gatorade—but it was good. I also loved that green foil packaging. It's due for a comeback.

I'm sorry, but any time a show has a monkey masturbating with a robotic arm, the lowest possible grade it can get is an A-. It's just science.

Yes, of course, I was referring to the improbability of their gender and not their young ages! Where do you find the time to comment here between writing all of those manufactured outrage articles for Salon?

It will be interesting to see how he nepotistically shoehorns his daughters into a movie like this.

Don't sleep on Jan from the Toyota commercials. She's a dark horse in this contest.

"The Shining," "Shawshank Redemption" and "Stand By Me" are the ones that come to mind right away.

Heh heh, Moe is their leader.

Better order the tea quickly, because I hear the Darjeeling is Limited.

I don't think this episode was quite the emotionally harrowing, soul-bearing, turbulent, Lars Von Trier-esque open wound that this writer thinks it was. Maybe turn down the hyperbole just a tad.

Hey, let's play the "Woody Allen Mad-Libs Create-a-Movie-Plot Game." Here we go:

Have you ever noticed how white holograms flicker like this, and black holograms flicker real cool, like this!

Actually, she's not the real rappin' granny—that title belongs to Fruity Nutcake:

Announcement of a Kurt Cobain hologram at the Grammys coming in 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . .

Totally agree on The Wedding Singer. It's 90 minutes of Sandler and his cronies winking to the camera in such a way as to say, "See what we're doing here? Huh? Weren't the 80s so funny?" Sandler is the Anti-Christ.

Every single thing RDJ says here about indie filmmakers seems complete fair and accurate. Carry on, nothing to see here.

I think that was Jerry Minor, not Tim Meadows.

Damn, Percy Sledge last week and now Ben E. King. Stop taking our legendary soul balladeers!

Why does your jean jacket say "Disco Stu?"