John Cocktoasten

You haven't really heard Pink Floyd until you listen to them on September 12, 2001 or later, man.

Yep, Jesus died at 33, so if he can't appreciate new music anymore, then neither will any of the rest of us.

Whew! It's a good thing that Woody goes to such great lengths to keep his screenplays secret. There are literally zero other producers in Hollywood looking to make the same nebbish-in-midlife-crisis-hell movie that he's been remaking over and over for years.

I set my watch to how often Bob Pollard releases new music.

Every video game in existence loses points for not including Scatman Crothers.

+1 with Alex McCown—I've never read a single word or seen a single second of Harry Potter. I just got sick of every single person I knew pushing these all on me all the time. I'm sure I'd really like the series, and maybe I'll crack one of these days now that we're far removed from the hype.

I thought the exact same thing. Granted, in today's online media, proper editing seems like a premium, but the A.V. Club has generally succeeded at it. The whole review is only four paragraphs long—there's really no excuse for the lack of proofreading.

I was with it once! And then they changed what it was! And now what I'm with isn't it and what's it seems weird and scary to me! And it'll happen to you!

If there is ever a pandemic that wipes out the earth's population of Millennials, well, I'd really be quite fine with that.

Bess Rous' frequent angry stare on Other Space is truly a thing to behold. I enjoyed the show quite a bit.

Metric - Love is a Place (Old World Underground, Where Are You Now?)

I've got a bad feeling about this.

I'm still waiting for Don Henley to apologize to me for having to hear his music.

Fat chance of that! If the makers of a Star Wars film actually try to merchandise their characters, this will be the first that I'm hearing of it.

And yet . . . still no Lobot comic. Sigh.

Tonight on Unwatchable, special guests from Insufferable!

I blame Will.i.am for a great deal of bad music that has come out in the last several years.

"Must . . . drop . . . pantaloons . . ."

You know, this is like that Twilight Zone where the guy wakes up, and he's the same, but everyone else is different.

Almost as insufferable as the actual Girls. Almost.