John Cocktoasten


Why must you turn my mosh pit into a HOUSE OF LIES!!!

[keeps looking down at watch expectantly]
Come on . . .

I never read the reviews because I mostly haven't watched the new episodes in the last several years, but I'm always amazed at the high grades that newer Simpsons episodes get. Perhaps the reviewers have an intricate system for how these grades are somehow weighted against those of the classic years, but there's no

It's also worth noting that he and his wife were both great supporters of the arts, and both started the Susan Bay Nimoy and Leonard Nimoy Foundation. They gave lots of money to worthy arts organizations all over the country.

We are assembled here today to pay final respects to our honored dead. And yet it should be noted that in the midst of our sorrow, this death takes place in the shadow of new life, the sunrise of a new world; a world that our beloved comrade gave his life to protect and nourish. He did not feel this sacrifice a vain

I just now formed a nü metal band and it is called Bloodmouth, although I'm pushing for an alternate spelling of "Bludmouth."

I'm sure that Fox News will respond to this story of a Hollywood personality creating a vegan-friendly haven for schoolchildren with the gravitas that it deserves.

My favorite line from Dr. Katz was Andy Kindler complaining about the manager of a comedy club who told him, "don't be schticky."

What the fuck is this review going on about? It's a silly Adult Swim show, and it delivered exactly what you would expect from something with McBrayer and Triumph. I laughed a fair amount of times, and wouldn't have tuned into this expecting anything different than what it was.

Frankly, I'd put him #1.

Nope. Best Update anchor of all time, and it's not even close.

The author of the Rolling Stone article—Rob Sheffield—has long been one of the worst culture writers on earth. He obviously has a chip on his shoulder over Norm.

Or George Lucas.

Probably The Magnificent Ambersons.

Hey, we don't have to take this working class hero crap!

Farewell and adieu to you, Spanish ladies

And the descending bass line from Chicago's "25 or 6 to 4" is more or less a rip-off of the old folk song "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You," made most famous by Joan Baez and Led Zeppelin.

It's the best thing we've pawned off on Canada since we convinced all of those hippies to run away from the draft during Vietnam.

Well, I suppose if she shaved her head or put on a convincing bald wig that she might pull off Lobot.