John Cocktoasten

I don't know that I've ever viscerally hated a movie that hasn't even been made yet as much as I do with this one.

Mmm hmmm, it's just like the time I got fired for reciting lyrics for 2 Live Crew's Pop That Pussy to my Biology class. Fucking fascists.

You haven't really heard Dark Side of the Moon until you've heard it in MeeP.

Portable 8-track player, or GTFO

Let the insufferability continue!

I agree. His character's breakdown in that episode is really amazing.

The void in smart, cutting, political satire just became really fucking enormous. I wish him all the luck in the world as the next "Late Show" host, but it will be sad to watch him become just another milquetoast late night personality.

Switch out your #2 with Birdman and you've got it.

Did you say "cocaine?" [Tim Allen furiously calls his agent]

Bob Dylan could put out an entire album of just fart noises and Rolling Stone would automatically give it five stars. While the political writing and occasional investigative reporting are still worthwhile, the magazine's music writing is completely worthless. I don't even bother turning that far towards the back of

But what becomes of Pizza the Hut? WHAT HAPPENS TO PIZZA THE HUT?!

The dance party scene was great. Sad to see it on this list.

Wow, that was a great episode. Further proof that Randy Marsh is the show's best character. The whole children's party scene was twisted and amazing.

The headline said this sketch would be funny. You lied!

Breakfast cereals with lots of sugar (Golden Crisp and Apple Jacks are in my usual rotation), the occasional Slim Jim, watching "Con Air" anytime it's on TV, and the music of the Carpenters.

My sentiment exactly. It's probably a little of both.

I see that it's a Sandler film, but where is the inexplicably superfluous tropical setting? What, they don't have cobblers in Tahiti?

Notorious B.I.G. I love hip-hop, but I just never heard the appeal of this guy. And his connection to Puff Daddy wasn't helping matters either.

Flash for Freedom by George MacDonald Fraser. It's the third in the series of "Flashman" books, which are light, but fun reads that mix action with historical fiction. Harry Flashman is pretty much the ultimate anti-hero, and this volume has him getting unwittingly mixed up in the British and American slave trades

Playmobil is the Euro Disney of toys.