John Cocktoasten

It's the Dawes meme all over again . . . only this time, it's in bottle form.

Let's have a new superhero team made up of the elderly relatives of our favorite characters.

Damn, if he had gotten paid, Jimmy Page could have bought a shirt with buttons that work.

All of the mud sharks in the upper Northwest are breathing a sigh of relief right now.

I liked this movie the first time, when it was called "The Air Up There." Nah, just kidding. That movie was about a white man going to Africa to claim one of its people, not a plot of its land.

And still no liquor sales on Sundays. Boo!

I recently decided to get into bourbon on the recommendation of a friend, and have been trying out some of the smaller batch brands out there. So far I've tried Eagle Rare (awesome), Four Roses (also great), Basil Hayden's (good, but not great), and Buffalo Trace (meh). If there are any bourbon drinkers out there,

Wow, Mark Kozelek really, really, really, really, really, really, really wants attention.

Why on earth would anyone choose to watch the Golden Globes?

Pink Lady and Jeff or GTFO

Yep, I'm 43 and I wore a few of these back in the day. My favorite one was Mork from Ork. I honestly never thought about making my own costume back then—I just took for granted that they all came in a cake-sized box and were made from plastic.

His name in real life is Nick, and he'll also be playing a character named Nick. Looks like somebody's been getting acting tips from Tony Danza.

Fatal Attraction

Boy, all of those fat suits and fart jokes are sure going to seem awkward in this kind of movie.

Ooh, what if they do a gender reversal in the remake? Actually, no, it would still be lame.

What he needs to apologize for is the fucking outfit that he's wearing in the photo above. He's like Sgt. Pecker, amirite?!

I usually send back a thank-you note.

Honestly, all of those other shows you mentioned are funny and nuanced because they are the creation of people who have years of experience in the fields of comedy writing and performing. Lena Dunham doesn't really fit into that mold. I don't find "Girls" to be even remotely funny. The characters on a show like

I don't dislike Lena Dunham because she is privileged, young, female, or overweight. I find her totally and completely insufferable solely due to the work she has done, as well as to the inexplicable amount of attention (which too often feels like worship) that she has received based on such an unworthy career.

Yes, it's true. Gillian Anderson has no dick.