John Cocktoasten

What about that one guy who says, "Stay on target. STAY ON TARGET!" I really want to know more about him.

The laugh track audience seemed really excited when Penny said yes to Leonard's proposal.

Well, she certainly helps fill the gap for someone who is "Ol'" and "Dirty."

Burnt Sienna, or GTFO.

What other choice of album title did she have? The band Carcass had already taken the title, "Necroticism: Descanting the Insalubrious."

The edited songs will likely end up sounding like this:

One of the most overrated comic book characters ever.

He should have been MODOK!

Whoa, I just realized that the actor who plays Peter Gregory was the same guy in "The Master" who argues with Phillip Seymour Hoffman's character and gets him to shout "Pig fuck!"

Yeah, as one who absolutely worshipped at the altar of "The Simpsons" throughout the 1990s, I can say that there was a point of no return around Season 12 or so when I realized that it was no longer a brilliant show with some crappy later seasons, but instead a crappy show with some brilliant early seasons.

Sounds like he was Bespined to fail from the start.

I presume that Streep's character will be trying to reconnect with her estranged children by using a hamburger phone.

Actually, your sports analogy is incorrect. Teams are given a set amount of rings to distribute among their players and staff in each of the major sports, and it is to their own discretion as to how they're given out. More often than not, the team will vote to give rings to anyone who was traded, cut, or injured,

The stars at night
are big and bright . . .

Hiiiii theeeeere!

Some observations about SNL celebrity impressions:

That "sparkling apple juice" sketch just made me angry. Was that the intended response?

Beatty's remake of "Heaven Can Wait" is anything but sublime. It's overly-sentimental crap, and is still a textbook definition of a Hollywood flop.

Ludacris won't be eligible for the Rock Hall of Fame until 2025.

Just watched this on HBO, and I couldn't agree more. Sooooooooo bad. Watching talented people in a shit show like this is always depressing. Words can hardly convey just how awful this movie is.