useless ruckus

Well they’re not in the womb so they shouldn’t be protected.

So they also passed a bill to provide support to women after they have the child right? Prenatal care for the mother?

Brought to you by the people who want to legalize running over protesters.

Greene is ill.

It’s literally keeping Bibi out of jail.

I’d just ask anyone who goes out of their way to explain and justify Israel’s actions which cause horrific death and suffering, for which there are understandable (not necessarily justifiable) reasons, to make sure you’re doing the same thing for Palestinians, who are the ones who bear the brunt of the consequences of

Man, Vince Neil went downhill after the 80s.

We can’t keep treating terrorists like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Josh Hawley like children throwing tempertantrums, because children don’t have millions of terrorists with AK-47's and a loose grip on reality willing to storm government buildings. They're reacting like misbehaving children, but they're far more

Bill O’Reilly used to regularly attack George Tiller and call him “Tiller the Killer” on his show. Until, you know — whoopsiedoodles! — a terrorist murdered him. So it’s not like there’s no precedent for Fox News chodes causing violence.

Meatsweats Marj would be delighted if her performance inspired a crazy to do violence against AOC, I suspect.

The best example of a man who can do both (facial hair and no facial hair) is Chris Evans. Also known as Best Chris. Cheekbones and jawline of a god, but can grow a mighty fine beard.

  1. The inability of anyone to say the first thing without being called an anti-semite.

I’ve long since given up on Israel as a country we need to be defending or assisting in any way. Israel today is little different from South Africa under apartheid. They aren’t our friends, nor allies, nor good citizens of Earth.

Two things are fucked up:

Every new picture of her she looks a little worse than the last. Evil takes its toll. I saw this one today :

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
Just make sure they are well educated, wealthy,
have job offers already, and are white,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

I think this might be what tips the scale in favor of me leaving Jezebel. There is sometimes a level of tone deafness here that is staggering and youth is no excuse.

Gee, thanks for showing a few being tortured! You’re the best!

Seriously. That photo is DISGUSTING.  Please change it. 

Why did she bite rabbits?