can you talk to my landlord, please?
can you talk to my landlord, please?
isn’t bribing people for their vote illegal? ha ha, never mind, it’s trump
Home Town on HGTV is my guilty pleasure. Laurel, Mississippi, looks charming (it’s the South, but still), and I appreciate their mission to fix up their home town. Erin can be a little annoying, but Ben is the Ginger Bear of my dreams
I still think Matt Gaetz has his head further up the orange ass than Timid Lobotomy. but it’s pretty close
Jesus Christ, could Matt Gaetz have his head any further up Trump’s ass? This takes brown-nosing to a whole other level. Maybe he’s bucking for Lindsay’s lickspittle position after Graham is voted out.
please tell me Hicks gave it to Stephen “extra nazi in a WWII movie” Miller.
Thoughts and prayers, assholes. Never said what I’m thinking or what I’m praying for.
yeah, that’s a hard no for me. I would never wish death on anyone, but I have no problem with this fucker suffering for a good long while. Hopefully he’ll use his time on a respirator to think about the 200 thousand Americans he killed by letting wearing a mask be politicized. Fuck him. Does that make me a bad…
whaddaya know, karma is real
This began with the “I was afraid he would touch me” excuse for murdering gay men and trans women. Hence the phrase “homophobia”, “transphobia” etc.. There just isn’t a better word for it. Maybe transechthra, but I don’t speak Greek
And he’s performing well among voters who are not fuckin rich
god I hate rich people.
I like your style
Let’s all give Ronald Reagan props for letting them in in the first place.
more like Project Mendacium
You spelled Trash wrong
the idea of President Dunning Kruger “studying” anything other than his reflection, or maybe a bucket of chicken, is laughable. And 10 to 1 Collins and Murkowski will vote yes. They’ve pulled this shit before and we keep falling for it. There is no such thing as a GOP member with a conscience
Mitch has already done all the interviews and made his decision
I went to nursery school on a Monday, with a scrape on my arm (no recollection of how I got it). The teacher asked me what happened, and I said we had gone camping, and my big brother had rescued me from being bitten by a rattlesnake. I basked in the glow of my sibling grasping me from certain death, until my mom came…
San Francisco’s positivity rate is currently 1.5%. We’ve had 99 deaths as of 9/23/20. Out of a population of about 900,000. Not many republicans here