useless ruckus

He got in “murdered by cartels” before I couldn’t take anymore

Frankie Grande is who we should be hating

What poor Mr Grundmann doesn’t get is that ALL parades are gay

At least we know that right wing politicians are the same in every democratic country - bat-shit crazy

I’ll bet he doesn’t even know what Quantitative Tightening is

It’s actually people believing in four-pointed snowflakes that got trump elected.  Flat earthers start somewhere

I’m sorry, but this is how trump gets elected - first people accept that snowflakes have four points, next thing you know they’re claiming the world is flat, climate change is a hoax, and an orange fleshblob will make the country “great again”.  

Fletch. You monster

I see trump knows history as well as he knows business

Now if we can only get the dog to eat Paul...

Every day I fantasize about that moment in Designated Survivor where everyone in the government is blown up

i don’t get the hate for Mayo. It’s eggs and oil, it makes dry sandwiches palatable, and it holds potato salad together

Ooh ooh, do Mayor Pete now!

we get it, you hate cops
