Drew Humberd

Oh my god, thank you. I saw all of them saying "Well, we have to go by the judges' critiques, I guess Katya has to go home because she got the worst critiques and for no other reason" and people BOUGHT that. Katya is Alaska's only real competition and Ginger would have made it two more episodes tops. If competition

I almost felt bad for Ginger when she did that "you're my best friend" thing to Katya and Katya side-eyed so hard. Almost. Then Ginger said that she and Alyssa are really doing the same thing and I noped out.

No one knows how to deal with confrontation like Willam. I want to take lessons from him.

They want the queens to make the decisions precisely because people like Phi Phi and Roxxxy were focused on redemption arcs in a room full of other queens who were mostly known for being pretty sweet in general and you can't manufacture drama out of that, so you have to force them to choose between their friends.

I think this is why she doesn't want to be involved in the show anymore. Nothing she said was that wild, but supercutting it all together over the "shade" music makes her look like a monster.

A villain never gets the crown? Did you skip season 2? And all that Heathers crap in Season 3?

Get back to your no-pic "masc must be discreet" Grindr profile and your sad white-walled apartment and your Tumblr porn blog full of generic-ass twinks and your motherfucking Applebee's-on-Friday-nights social life, guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurl.

God I wanted there to be another "This is a Tony Bowl's, girls" moment.

I don't understand how you could see Katya and Ginger and think Ginger is a stronger competitor.

My thing is that Ginger's nastiness has never really seemed connected to her size? She's talented but she's not nearly as talented as she thinks she is and she seems to resent that people don't find her amazing. That comment about "basically doing the same thing as Alyssa" was so bizarre.

I am wholeheartedly rooting for Katya to win this but I can't even be mad at the fact that Alaska probably will. She's just always so fresh.

Considering half the queens did what RPDR queens always do when they hear the word "future," which is put on the only silver dress they own and do a robot walk, I thought Phi Phi's look was great.

The thing is that Alaska's aesthetic has always been futuristic and space-y. She's literally Alaska Thunderfuck 5000 from the planet Glamtron. It's a runway challenge written for her. I get the critique but it feels like if they did "Soviet Realness" as a runway theme and people critiqued Katya for not coming out as a

I mean, I thought the theme was "Bad Girls of HERStory" and…Diana was such an obvious standout there. She's to this day almost uncritically adored. If you want a recent British figure that you can make both "bad" and funny, Margaret Thatcher would have been a better choice.

Ben's currently working on a show based on Dante's Inferno and was quoted as basically saying "I can only go through one Hell at a time."

Caputo has the failing a lot of the "good characters" in OITNB (Bayley, the blond female guard whose name I forget, Coates) have: a moral instinct without the courage/fortitude to follow up on it when it's hard.

Yeah, if CN picked it up it'd just be on Adult Swim and air at 11pm or later. That's not really being kinder to what is, in essence, a family sitcom. (I know Bob's does well in syndication on Adult Swim now, but I think it would overall suffer if it was slated for new episodes there.)

You can't actually be watching Bob's Burgers if you think it's inconsistent.

Did you miss where he has a conversation with his bean plants and forgets not to tell them he's going to eat them?

They didn't spend $2000. That was for the really good camp in Wisconsin or whatever.