Drew Humberd

There are significantly more than 20.

I'm honestly not sure how well this episode works if it doesn't involve a sacrifice on the part of the family, though. To me, it raises the stakes when the whole family comes together to support Tina at the end.

I've definitely thought that she might be autism-spectrum.

Thanks for letting us know that the threat of murder won't bother you as long as you're ~comfortable~.

They can't let someone into top 3 based on DQILF two years in a row…

I wouldn't.

I was totally expecting Derrick to make top three just for the "drama" factor, and I'm so glad they took the high road.

TBH the comparison for me is to Ginger. Seemed very affable and funny early in the season, became very angry later on).

I actually think it would be great if they crowned a big girl. What I hated was that Ginger's case for getting the crown was that it was time to crown a big girl. She simply wasn't exceptional at all.

I'm not sure that I've ever seen anyone on this show be able to make fun of her competitors in such a pointedly hilarious way, yet still come off as a total sweetheart, as Bob.
I'm not sure if I phrased that well. My point is that Bob is brilliant with the reads but also never seems mean-spirited about it.

This post is gross and you should feel gross.

This is a legitimate complaint!

Gasp, grey circle telling me I'm not cute! I'm gonna cry real hard over that one.
Let's be real, here, though: this is season 8. No one has the excuse of not knowing what's required. I don't give queens passes for not knowing how to sew; I don't give queens passes for not having a Snatch Game persona prepared; I don't

Omg. I loved Kenya in general but that Snatch Game was The. Worst.

"You're in a throuple" is an even less clever read, so I don't know what you're going for here.

Yeah, it's a good thing a celebrity impersonator has never been on Drag Race before and won All-Stars or something.

Chico's realness! Primary colors in drapey fabrics!

Ross is my fave too! Partly because he gives really good critique and partly because he isn't afraid to talk down La Visage.

When Michelle gives quality critique, it's some of the best critique the queens get. The problem is that occasionally she just pulls shit out of her ass. The best example of this is "I don't see the real Ben DeLaCreme" until Ben dressed as a fly, but this season it showed up real quick when Bob wore nothing but

I think that's the plotline for a Gene Belcher school assignment.