Drew Humberd

That's really my problem with it. RPO is not genius stellar lit by any light, but it's fun and enthusiastic and was enjoyable to read. I'd like to read something with that same level of enthusiasm, but not the same book.

Like I said, I'm not trying to tell anyone else who they should or shouldn't like, and I feel like a lot of this comes down to how things got edited, or how we perceived the context of certain interactions.

I mean, sure, obviously that line varies for everyone individually, but people keep asking what the difference is for people who liked those other queens and not Ginger. That's why. It's because she comes across as unfunny and literally self-describes as bitter. If you like her regardless, that's your tea and I'm not

You thought Willam came across as insecure? Okay then.

Pearl is cute, but I don't think he's cuter than Milk, or Bendela, or even Trixie.

There are two classes of shady queen on RPDR:

I have been yelling so hard at Michelle for 7 seasons for her uselessness. It's so nice to see someone actually say "no you're wrong" to her, because it's obvious it doesn't happen enough.


Ross Matthews telling Michelle Visage her vague-ass comments are wrong gives me so much life. I didn't think I was going to like him but he's fantastic.

This was honestly one of my favorite episodes in a while. I was hesitant about a Linda-driven episode but was a huge fan in the end. It just felt so perfectly Bob's Burgers to me—the fact that Linda has these bizarre but totally fitting rituals for each of her children, that she turns a day most people would despise

As a gay man, Glee could make me straight between Lea and Becca Tobin.

Kitty's waffle line was so wonderfully executed. It felt like a callback to the humor of season 1.

I've never been Patrick, but I've had hookups with people in relationships and felt like shit about it. At this very moment, I am John.

Dude, I saw the picture and I was like "why is Horatio Sanz guest starring on Glee." Then he did those little grunts in Mustang Sally and I was compelled. He is beautiful and I must have him for my own.

That line killed me.

My immediate thought was that as a teenager, Spencer would probably owe more to Glee than to Modern Family. Too bad they can't make THAT joke. "I can be gay because of Chris Colfer."

Oh my god, thank you for talking about chubby kid. His voice made me feel some very specific type of way.

Max Adler isn't really my type but I understand why people find him attractive. I didn't really see it in this episode, though. Something about his smile seemed…wrong? Like ordinarily I find his smile super endearing but on this episode it just made me uncomfortable.

Jane Lynch is a delight, but Sue's motivation to destroy the Glee club has gone from, if I recall correctly:

I've noticed that too. It seems like Chris Colfer is so incredibly over pretending to be in love with Darren Criss. To be fair, I love Darren Criss but I'd be over Blaine too. He's the worst.