Drew Humberd

You sound fun.

I'm over Alexis entirely, but play it this way:

Ru did a double elimination in s8 for performances that weren't half as dramatically awful as what Valentina did.

Pearl's by far the most standardly cute boy to ever be on Drag Race, but by god if I ever had to pick one, I'd pick Tracy.

It's honestly not a big deal, I should have watched last night but spaced on it, so I couldn't even really be mad I got spoiled this morning. Probably a good idea not to discuss future eps in the comments in general though.

What world do you come from where gay guys hold straight musicians to standards?

You're lucky a hot guy spoiled this for me already.

Right, but marketing at Drag-Con isn't really the same thing as actually selling a product. Katya's spray could be an empty windex bottle—you're buying memorabilia, not an actual product.

Oh, it had been a while since I watched the video, I forgot about the "I feel like you came for me, Mr. Cat" part. I thought it was all just making fun of Ganja's affectations. Carry on!

Fair. Maybe I'm misremembering. I just always lumped her in the Ginger Minj category of "not a terrible performer but overrates herself and blames all of her shortcomings on her size."

Possible I'm misremembering but I seem to recall she was SUPER bitchy to DeLa on a level similar to the way Roxxxy treated Jinkx. I'm protective of Seattle camp queens.

Darienne Lake may be one of the most overrated queens ever to appear on Drag Race.

Is there somewhere that Alaska makes fun of Laganja's mental health? "Walking in Nature" makes fun of Laganja's style and performance.

Do they tell these people what show they're going to be on? His critiques didn't seem to be grounded in the reality that these were real, marketed products.
I really want the cut footage of his thoughts on Talkin' Trash.

I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be "this dirty street," which really just proves your point.

If Katya had just slapped on a tracksuit she would have been read to hell and back by the judges. Michelle in particular would have eaten her alive. She cultivated an extremely specific look, executed it flawlessly, and killed it. She took a risk, which is something Katya always does, and it paid off.

I'm just having a hard time caring. Roxxxy will go home next week and Tati would have if she'd stayed. Neither of them are really strong queens.

I'm semi-rooting for her (at least compared to most people here) but I never thought she'd make top 3.

Ben specifically refused to do All-Stars because she's not comfortable being treated…the way RPDR producers treat queens.

This is a very good comment. Except for the part where you made me remember all the Madonna kimonos.