Drew Morris

Man, if your boss gets a kidney transplant and is back to work the next day... it’s gonna be rough calling in sick after that.

You have to know about it first, understand it second, and then figure out the most efficient way to wind it down while doing the least damage. Just understanding the impact of the decision takes time and it surely was not very high on the list of priorities for the administration since they were dealing with Covid,

That was a really good bad movie. I actually enjoy watching it if I come across it, especially if its already 15 minutes in or so. It’s just so obviously bad while trying so hard not to be. 

I imagine the term AGI will be redefined over and over again as we reach “AGI” by some idiotic definition over and over again.

It is definitely a well-tread trope but, then again, we also had an impish scoundrel turned good guy, and a bad guy (Finn and Kylo Ren) turned good guy, and a bunch of other flip-flops. Personally I am more interested on the journey then the end result because that is where stories succeed or fail. It’s really about

Probably very similarly since it requires direct training to work effectively. I would imagine there would be more divergence if a common language library were somehow discovered and adopted though.

I’m not gonna lie... I would watch that story too. I could see a lightly force sensitive person with no training at home with their family (including their jedi sibling) and all of them are killed while they hide and watch. They then take their siblings light saber and are forced to grow up in the streets with some

It could be done really well in the hands of a skilled screenwriter. I would love to see it as a descent into the dark side though.

Say what you want about Millie Gibson’s acting or the show in general but she is the second cutest companion ever IMO.

Most of the commentors thus far are acting like this is a one-sided issue and that it is clear that non-competes are bad but I really think it’s way more nuanced than that. California banned non-competes for employees a while ago and it has led to some serious rethinking as to whether to hire employees there when you

I enjoyed the series. It wasn’t amazing or anything but it was fun. To me it was always a show that was on the bubble, solid enough to watch but not something I was overly invested in. I would have continued to watch it if they had renewed it but I am satisfied with what I got from it.

I believe this fully. While other manufacturers were able to create android watches, they all worked from a starting point of android and within that paradigm. It’s a completely different thing to start with an apple-centric view and then try to retrofit for android. They probably had some real struggles and decided

Fair enough. I understand now that you are just looking for a fight. Enjoy your day.


Oh he was likely trolling and being a bit absurd. But it doesn’t mean that he isn’t trolling BECAUSE of his views on American prudery.

Nope... not against free speech at all. I certainly believe there are limits to it though (e.g. hate speech, etc.) but I don’t think this guy came even close to the line.

Listen, I am not sure why you are getting so worked up about my post and deciding to make it a personal attack on me.

I agree... unless it drives up the value of the stupid meme by getting stupider people to drive up the price so that the initial morons can bail out.

So who is creating them? Pro trumpers or anti-trumpers?

Europe is a big place and, in general, not nearly as puritanical as the U.S. See my reply above to David Puddy the 2nd for a more complete response.