
I refuse to acknowledge requests for read receipts.

I like the email address in the signature and I’ll tell you why. If you ever copy and paste someone’s signature and send it to another person (as in, if I sent someone else an email saying “please see Murry’s contact details below”), it doesn’t help them to not have the email address!

What a pair of knobs. Fuck em both, but fuck the asshole in the Sentra even more. Motherfucker tried to kill the biker twice. That shit is attempted murder. Fuck that cop too. Fuck everyone. Fuck me. Fuck this chair. Fuck solidworks. Fuck this mouse. Fuck punctuation.

I’d suggest the swerve may have been reaction to a jolt/noise. It’s possible the car didn’t even know there was a bike there in the first place and just gut reaction swerved when it happened. Can’t really tell from the video. I’ve seen enough tunnel vision drivers that if they got a hit to their vehicle coming out

VW SAYS all this... but I wouldnt trust them about it.

This can’t be helpful for power output on a naturally aspirated engine right? I’m sure it’s great for emissions, but this really must choke up the exhaust gasses.

Some of these font choices are very, very bad, but let’s be honest: the real email monsters are the assholes who put an image in their signature so it looks like every fucking email they sent has an attachment and woe betide they who later need to find a particular email from these fools that has a legitimate


And yet another nail in the coffin of customization. RIP in peace shorties and long tubes!

What does this to the price for building the engines, and/or repairing it?

Finally! No more “danger to manifold” warnings to distract me while I live my life a quarter-mile at a tune time! Wut wut!

I have an irrational hatred of Times New Roman, and refuse to use it, but would never drag someone else for doing so. I like clean lines, so I always default to Arial in my work correspondence and documents. If that communicates to someone that I am some type of undercover Dexter outside of work hours, so be it.

Also, I do not appreciate someone’s email signature imploring me to “Consider the environment before printing this email!” with a gif of a tree. THANKS FOR DOING YOUR PART, DIANE

Another benefit, he says, occurs at high engine loads where exhaust gases are so high...”

Sans Serifs are supposed to be easier to read on screens, while serifs look nicer in print. This is a thing people have studied.


I guess I’ll just stick to my old cars where I can actually remove the stock headers and install some sweet aftermarket headers.

Then if something breaks it will cost more money, and the dealers will make more profit. Hopefully there is a way to retrofit it.


And inevitably 10 years from now when you see green liquid spewing out the exhaust you can say “yup that right there is a blown headifold”