
Wait, so the “the rest of these suckers are driving in the driving lane instead of passing on the shoulder and trying to shove their way back in to the driving lane” mentality is the adult mentality? Fuck that. Adults don’t budge in line because they think they are entitled to be in the front of the line.

You may be inadvertently saving a life as well. There was a dude driving fast in the shoulder to get through LA traffic and struck and killed a CHP who was in the shoulder helping a stalled car. The shoulder is for emergency vehicles and for emergencies.

Do you cut in line at the grocery store too?

This is a child’s mentality.

Yeah, I’m sure all of those fucking assholes passing on the shoulder are having medical emergencies...yeah. Just like in this specific case, right?!? Nope. Grammatical errors aside, I definitely side with the OP in this one.

Turn your flashers on and proceed slowly then. If you’re barreling down the shoulder in traffic, you are obviously an asshole


I usually just ride half on the shoulder and half on the road with my work truck.

It destroys fuel systems not designed for it.

Somewhat cleaner, emissions wise. Was also sold as a (really stupid) way to reduce US dependence on foreign oil. Gives a lot of money to the corn lobby.

Ethanol absorbs more water from the air which is generally not great for your fuel system over time. It’s also less efficient.

Great, more Ethanol in gas. RIP my two strokes. At least the Quik Trip close to me carries Ethanol Free 87, at least for now.

BP and shell have always pissed me off because they tend to charge 10-20 cents more for their premium fuel than other gas stations because it’s got “special additives” or some crap. It’s bullshit. It’s a money grab. There is literally nothing better about Shell V-Power or BP Ultimate than any other premium gas.

What happens, if they change to 15% Ethanol blend, to the cars that require premium but say not to go over 10%?

The second image is only slightly crooked and it’s driving me crazy! It needs more skewedness.

This seems like an incredibly stupid and complex way of doing things, assuming the end goal was protecting the consumer anyhow. Just sell direct to the consumer, and have the car shipped to the local dealer, give the dealer a handling fee and the problem is solved.

Good for FCA for trying to crack down on these terrible dealership practices. Porsche could learn a thing or two.

Maybe its because the article was poorly copy and pasted from a Weather Channel article published last week.