
This is where they botched their response and the problem I have with this type of shit- game publishers using youtube influencers to push their games. They’re all too happy to give youtubers free early access copies of their games, so long as the coverage is positive. The second they have criticisms and it’s not “on

Came here for this.

It was my father’s watch for a while... Loved the touchscreen as a kid/almost baby and since he kept it all this time, finally took it from him after something like 25 years lol (I’m born in 1984 and so is this watch)

Looked better then the Freestyle though, didn’t it?

Nowadays I’m impressed when a key is just a cut piece of metal.

You mean, like my 1984 Casio watch? Yeah, I’d believe that :)

Dang, you’re right.

That is a really attractive crossover

Tell that to the Reliant Robin.

The only reason the Desmos app is being allowed in some testing environments is it’s embedded as part of the testing application the students take their tests in. They aren’t installing the app on their personal devices. This isn’t made clear in the article.

I had the TI-86 in high school, I understand your pain.

They day they canceled the Ti-86 was a dark day. None of the other ones were better, the 89 was more powerful, but no one wanted to let you use something with the 89's algebraic functions.

The ridiculously expensive Texas Instruments graphing calculator is slowly but surely getting phased out. The times

Looks like an MP-5 but kind of small. I’m going with airsoft.

Step 1: Don’t buy a Chevy Colorado ZR2

Does the truck even go fast enough to let you get sideways? Maybe on some loose gravel?